her voice is so annoying tho! lol

not to mention the lyrics have to be some of the worst
Oh! I get it now. Thanks Joker!

She's wrote a song about nothing, she singing and repeating the regular blah stuff. She's really not saying anything and there's pretty much no message or originality. No wonder I've never heard of her. Well hope she has fun for while before she is out as about as long as it took to watch that video. UNLESS she whore's herself out and becomes another Teenie sex type Icon with some "scandal-type" photos or "grown-up" party problem while moving into her 18teens then she can hang around till about 21, and then she better have some acting skill and be willing to show boob on screen. Oh Hollywood, you know how to play on a girl's need of approval.
Wiz!! morning to you mate..

I have some fuel for hunger pains. You might have to get out the pocket book for some breakfast at the cafe! :firedevil:


mmmmmm :twist:

PurpleKush :thumbs:

ALSO I bring some thing else for you!!
Check out this cloven female.. It's the one i swear i seen some colored calyxes. But i can't find them anymore. this is a sour60 female.

morning jm and all i have not been around much latley so freaking busy at work out by 04:00 not home till 22:30 there has been no me time been keeping an eye on moast threads on my mobile but poasting on it is sutch a PITA well hopfully im back for a few days at least ? all nl harvested 2oz form 1 plant 3oz from the other but remember thay were notsoauto so 12 1/2 weeks from seed to harvest gona order more seeds from dope seeds.com

and on that note. I know the picture was posted but you really have to get the full effect of the video :D


yep sorry forget too post it! thank joker

and here for JM a gift
Afternoon Budz..........:smoke:

Phew....is it Hot......35 C in the shade..with a hot wind...
the girls are sucking up water like there is no tomorrow...
apparently we drop to more normal temps monday..boo..:D


Wiz!! morning to you mate..
Morning Bailer...:smoke:

Yup I'm liking it..:thumbs:

and..you know..something says in the back of my mind that I have seen a Sour 60 before that held colour..pale purple..pink..?

Check out this cloven female..
Nice one...for a Curiosity Collector...:D