Morning Budz........:smokebuds:
I've been..rolling..rolling..rolling..all weekend...Yeha...
Had to get the seed sorted on the girls I have harvested lately...
it drives me nuts..but it has to be done.
Most are now in pots and just need the fine trim blown off.
What ever happened to trichome fridays?
I'll get one up for. trich Saturdays!
Hey tricy fridays til I get the lap-top port and photo slot
the Replacement one is stuck in Spanish Customs..
so we have a trip to a main post-office pencilled in see how the hell we get it released...
The Pain in Spain is everything in bloody triplicate...the beaurocracy is Frustrating....:no:
Maaan, once i get a usb scope.. You guys are going to be sick of trich shots. muhah
Nope...can't see That happening...for at least 5 years....

They are the Last frontier.....the Key...
Infinitely Fascinating...:dance2:
BTW..I could just Eat that Girl...K21's too...
Instant Hunger Pains.....
FD's still alive. Been pm'ing back & forth.
Good News TBM..I assumed he was getting ready for his road-trip...
I have my Fingers Crossed for him and Lady D...
He got a chance to see a Magic-Flight Launch Box vaporizer up-close the other day. And realized why I've been raving about it!
Nooo..don't remind me...
if he gets one...I'll just go in the huff....
@ Wiz, I just wanted to say HELLO!
Morning gearbear...:smoke:
sorry I'm slow..been a busy weekend...:thumbs:
EDIT: mornin all! thanks lbh... i could take her home easy... shes offering..

problem is I'm uglier than that guy, as you've shown in other picture posts! lol
Morning JM.....:smoke: