I have a vague recollection of some one saying they got some pinks.. i swear i seen a flush of color.. who knows. Some times it'll show when we get a cold snap then disappear when it warms..

What ever happened to trichome fridays?
I'll get one up for. trich Saturdays! Maaan, once i get a usb scope.. You guys are going to be sick of trich shots. muhahah :crying:


Calling fd.. You alive mate?
@TBM, great to hear! Yup, I picked up one as well due to everything you've been saying about it. AMAZING! (hence my current avatar):jump:

@Bailer, OH MY GOSH, You did it again. SO you're gonna let the trichs drop. ( In the sound of Will I Am):drool:

@ Wiz, I just wanted to say HELLO! :toke:
I'll get one up for. trich Saturdays! Maaan, once i get a usb scope.. You guys are going to be sick of trich shots. muhahah

yeah... me too... you guys are gonna be buried alive in trich shots when i get a scope!

nice one thoug bailer... super crystals!

EDIT: mornin all! thanks lbh... i could take her home easy... shes offering.. :) problem is I'm uglier than that guy, as you've shown in other picture posts! lol
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Morning Budz........:smokebuds:

I've been..rolling..rolling..rolling..all weekend...Yeha...:D

Had to get the seed sorted on the girls I have harvested lately...
it drives me nuts..but it has to be done.

Most are now in pots and just need the fine trim blown off.

What ever happened to trichome fridays?
I'll get one up for. trich Saturdays!
Hey Bailer...no tricy fridays til I get the lap-top port and photo slot sorted...boo.
the Replacement one is stuck in Spanish Customs..
so we have a trip to a main post-office pencilled in today..to see how the hell we get it released...

The Pain in Spain is everything in bloody triplicate...the beaurocracy is Frustrating....:no:

Maaan, once i get a usb scope.. You guys are going to be sick of trich shots. muhah
Nope...can't see That happening...for at least 5 years....:D
They are the Last frontier.....the Key...

Infinitely Fascinating...:dance2:

BTW..I could just Eat that Girl...K21's too...
Instant Hunger Pains.....:drool:

FD's still alive. Been pm'ing back & forth.
Good News TBM..I assumed he was getting ready for his road-trip...
I have my Fingers Crossed for him and Lady D...

He got a chance to see a Magic-Flight Launch Box vaporizer up-close the other day. And realized why I've been raving about it!
Nooo..don't remind me...
if he gets one...I'll just go in the huff....:(

@ Wiz, I just wanted to say HELLO!

Morning gearbear...:smoke:

sorry I'm slow..been a busy weekend...:thumbs:

EDIT: mornin all! thanks lbh... i could take her home easy... shes offering.. :) problem is I'm uglier than that guy, as you've shown in other picture posts! lol


Morning JM.....:smoke:
Calling fd.. You alive mate?

Indeed m8 im here, just been swamped. Was assigned a new role at work and have been putting my nose in the books learning about it. They moved me to SharePoint Admin. Now i have to take all these online courses to prep me for the main training and final exam in June, in VEGAS baby!

Good News TBM..I assumed he was getting ready for his road-trip...
I have my Fingers Crossed for him and Lady D...

Ahh my friend hit the nail on the head. With the new tasks at work and then getting Lady D ready for this trip has had my time
I still have the ladies going strong as usual, posted the JEM f2's last night and the red is up too :) BUt time has been busy here as usual. It should be cool till time to go see TBM then i am sure you guys wont be able to get me to shut up.

hope all is well, hope that computer gets there soon, karma sent on that one my friend.
Got to finish getting ready for work be back in a bit my friends.......:thumbs:

Nooo..don't remind me...
if he gets one...I'll just go in the huff....:(

Too late Wiz :lol:
got one ready for my arrival :thumbs:

Figured id add to the stash over here this morning
i have them in their perspective grow threads but i know there are
more than like to hang out in here.

Purple/Red BadBetty

Green/white pheno BadBetty

JEM F2's FD selection.....
Morning Budz....:smoke:

Yesterday was bitter-schweet......

the Purple AK-47'S came down...
I won't get to gaze at them in the mornings now..:lol:


Tiles are a foot square..so around 20-24 inches each..


They didn't disappoint for off-season girls...

the big flashy one was a JEM dom..

there was a New purple..smokey..

and 2 of them are just Perfect..Stinking..gonna be Exceptionaly strong.


I was dancing..:dance:

I wanted to Eat them...

Funny how my brain identifies the real strong/Right for Me ones with eating..not smoking...

I could smell them on my hands and the desire to nip up stairs and take a big bite out of them was enormous..:lol:
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Now...That is a Bad Betty that I recognise...

That looks like My Favourite..Racey Red Bad Betty...
slight variation on the leaf..
I would pin that as a Red.

You definitely have the sati leaf stem..stretch..mmm...mmm...mmm...

watch out when you smoke that one..Racey....:smokebuds:

I Like her better when she Purples up a bit..but stays Red dom.

When she is too red...
you get to know all your pulse-points...all rush and blush..:thumbs:

Green/white pheno BadBetty
What Smell...?

JEM F2's FD selection.....
See the one front-line..to the right...?...

Check her over-head against Bailers Purple Kush..
might be wrong..
but it looks like a very similar to me...:thumbs:

Now i have to take all these online courses to prep me for the main training and final exam in June, in VEGAS baby!
OMG...don't tell Bailer..you Know he has a hankering for Vegas...:D
Too late Wiz :lol:
got one ready for my arrival :thumbs:
Because that will be TWO of us not speaking to you..humph....:(