Wiz i threw a avatar up for ya ya might like on my page.
I've just been up to tuck the girls in for the night..and I couldn't resist a little Flash in the dark...
mmm..mmm...mmm...don't they look Sinister in the dark...
had a Smile at it already..just haven't had time to post..
Love it...Thanks...:thumbs:
I've just been up to tuck the girls in for the night..and I couldn't resist a little Flash in the dark...
mmm..mmm...mmm...don't they look Sinister in the dark...
The Fourth Black Dragon enters the thread..all be it a Mini Dragon...
and a True Amazonian...
I gave them a 25% dilute flower fert today..because I felt sorry for them..
it has to be a couple of weeks since they were fed.
They need their own can of spam!!!
Cheers M8..it is dead exciting being able to Create the Home we Want..Love the site, you guys have a done a very nice job
Calming karma sent..Complete hell around here.