Morning Budz....:smoke:

NC...I Cannot believe That.........
from the % white you had on the mom to Full Albino...
Bloody Hell...
Waaaay out on all the genetic twisting boundaries...

Bloody have a RARE Anomoly....:clap:...and a dominant one to boot.

We are gonna have to suss them...they are Trying their best to live..
we gotta find away to Help them.

Before these ones came up..I was actually thinking of our friends in the Cold Climates..
some of them have a winter of almost perpetual Night..
I was wondering if That might actually suit them....No sunlight...

Wait 'til Bailer sees this...his toes are gonna be twitching...:D

I consider myself Privilleged to gaze upon them...

You get ANY sleep last night Bro...?... ever come across a full albino..or seen anyone with one..?
I was wondering if That might actually suit them....No sunlight...

Mornin wiz!

been thinkin the same hing on those since gearbear (i think or maybe noobalicious) mentioned growing with no lights and hormones and / or agar / sugar... I thought... nawwww... then remembered the albinos... and thought... maybe... but who knows when we'll see those again? :) here they are in dominance! wooo hooo!
Morning JM...:smoke:

You know what I was thinking...

over here you can get coloured...Blue...plastic water bottles...

I was thinking that if NC could get his hands on a gallon one and cut the bottom out...

he could use it as a mini greenhouse..light/sun screen...on top of the pot.

Sun Glasses for his albinos.

It is not only among albino animals that color factors are carried in a latent condition, but also in white flowers. W.. Bateson has shown this to be the case for the sweet-pea (Lathyrus odoratus), var. Emily Henderson, and for certain white and cream stocks (Matthiola.) When white Emily Henderson (the race having round pollen grains) is crossed with a blue-flowered pea, purple offspring result. Similarly, when white Emily Henderson (long pollen grains) is crossed with white Emily Henderson (round pollen grains), the offspring wholly consists of the reversionary purple type, and sometimes wholly of a red bicolor form known as “Painted Lady.” These two types never appear in the same family. With the stocks, when a white-flowered and hairless form is crossed with a cream-flowered and hairless one, all the offspring are purple and hairy. Bateson considers that the purple color is due to the simultaneous existence in the plant of two color factors which may be designated by C and R. If either one of these two is absent the plant is colorless. Cream-colored flowers are regarded as white because cream is due to yellow plastids and not to sap color. Thus the cream plant may carry C and the white one R. When they are crossed the two factors for color production are brought together. Obviously, we may regard C as a tyrosinase and R as a chromogen, or vice versa; and in the case of the white sweet pea crossed with a blue-flowered one, and producing purple offspring, we may imagine that the white flower brought in an additional tyrosinase or a chromogen not present in the blue flower, which, when combined or mixed with the chromogen or tyrosinase for blue, gave purple. A similar explanation may apply to C. Correns’s experiment, in which he crossed white Mirabilis jalapa with a yellow form, and always obtained red-flowered offspring
Mornings mates! :smokebuds:

But albinos... got no chlorophyll,right?
How can they survive without, educate me!

Hmmm.. It was 1st April yesterday . . . .. ..
NC420; It´s a joke,right?! If not - wowsy bowsy bliss!

Sun Glasses for his albinos
Yes! their future's so bright they gotta wear shades! :)

that pea stuff is interesting... gotta re-read and re-think it to absordb it allI think..

brb... chocos in the freeze to "de-mold" :)

EDIT: mornin Norweigan! :smokebuds:
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Ah NC...just found this.

The Albino plant CANNOT it runs on energy from the seed itself.
The more light it gets..the harder it tries to produce clorophyl..the faster it will exhaust itself and die.

So you need to get them out of the light as fast as possible.

Obviously the sugar feeds to the cut leaf tries to amend this.

Also one paper where they were feeding albinos with high amino acids...
most of the ferts contain amino it might be worth a try with your highest amino acid content.

Yes! their future's so bright they gotta wear shades! :)
never seen fully albino's they cant survive the can only feed the first day's from seeds feeding? got no chlorophyll, so no grow
the hafe albinos i had have where only show pices on leafs?

i hear from a strain thats fully Albino its callt 4/1 i think

sorry for bad english
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Also one paper where they were feeding albinos with high amino acids...
most of the ferts contain amino it might be worth a try with your highest amino acid content.

sooooo... kelp seaweed and fish ferts with some mole asses in the very ow light levels... or none?

EDIT: mornin LBH... nice vid you sent me! :)
gotta be a way to make em survive... we just gotta unlock the key... "the solution is in the envirnoment"

A lil share pic for the morning: AK Runner from the Ripster
pollyed second round last night lots of flags hangin on this beauty!

View attachment 8058

EDIT: mornin NC... I think that might work​
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Morning Budz....:smoke:

NC...I Cannot believe That.........
from the % white you had on the mom to Full Albino...
Bloody Hell...
Waaaay out on all the genetic twisting boundaries...

Bloody have a RARE Anomoly....:clap:...and a dominant one to boot.

We are gonna have to suss them...they are Trying their best to live..
we gotta find away to Help them.

Before these ones came up..I was actually thinking of our friends in the Cold Climates..
some of them have a winter of almost perpetual Night..
I was wondering if That might actually suit them....No sunlight...

Wait 'til Bailer sees this...his toes are gonna be twitching...:D

I consider myself Privilleged to gaze upon them...

You get ANY sleep last night Bro...?... ever come across a full albino..or seen anyone with one..?

Well, It seems to me that if the firstt 3 came up albino maybe I'll see this again?
I can only try different things on different ones, I think if we find ways for albino humans and animals to live then we can find ways for albino plants to live...
I'm thinking, Get them outa the 12/12 800watt HPS closet and put them with a single 100watt CFL on 10-14 and gradually go down if its still to much light...
I was thinking, Maybe I could use some of the very high-tent plexiglass to cover them taking the "Their futures so bright they have to wear shades" joke quit
Ah NC...just found this.

The Albino plant CANNOT it runs on energy from the seed itself.
The more light it gets..the harder it tries to produce clorophyl..the faster it will exhaust itself and die.

So you need to get them out of the light as fast as possible.

Obviously the sugar feeds to the cut leaf tries to amend this.

Also one paper where they were feeding albinos with high amino acids...
most of the ferts contain amino it might be worth a try with your highest amino acid content.


Wouldn't an acidic tree bark fine like pine bark carry tons of amino acids?