(just asking why? dont know the person but tell us?)
@ Wiz Always nice with the bud porn!

@ NC, + Love Your way man! I can't pull myself from here either. Hope everything is good.

@ Everyone, This is def. our chat area. I can't keep up with everything that is happening. Way to go with all the posts!
ofcorse .

But? he could not be an adult like the rest of us here ??? lol
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ofcorse .

But? he could not be an adult like the rest of us here ??? lol

ha ha good one LBH, but yeah i mean we all like to have a good time and post some crazy funny pics but this guy was just rude
i really hated to do it but those types of individuals are the type to screw it up for everyone not just them selves.

plus im not going to have bad Karma in here with all the good.
I Think so.....
You know..LBH is thinking of making JM's canna chocolates...

We'll def be in trouble then
I Think children are the Most effective form of Birth Control..

fact... that and exes

hhaha JM strains make's you sleepy no i planningsomthing beter the stronges LBH's Autoflowering Haze i mix in the chococookie mix and a litle bit of norwegian's Psilocybe Azurescens "Flying Saucers" and pure chocolated and mint leafs

well some of them make you sleepy... some dont.. lol but jeez... flyin shrroomin LBH... watch out... sexfest inbound! lol

Someone in this house is going back to the UK tomorrow..
(mom is eventually coming out of hospital..)
so it will be a full weekend with just me and the girls here.....sigh.......

vacation for you? and fun times for us! :)

Sounds like the Perfect excuse to PARTY....
there is no stopping the dark side everybody will love La Buena Hierba Cookie's
(the world is ours for the taking)

rofl! tffffft!
Room for a little Fat 'un in there with you...no..I mean Me..not the girls...

well after all lbh's and k21's sexy posts... you might be ill advised to climb in there wih all that excitement goin on you're bound to get poked! lol

It is the photo growers I feel sorry for...
if the world end in the Spring...they only have one harvest to go...
We will be on Fresh right up to the End..

ROFL... well put m8! well put!
Doing good!
No girlfriend. Daughter's at her mom's, and not back until tomorrow.
I'm a free man today! Whoo-Hoo!
No need to worry about the jail time, etc... My stint was just for a couple of weeks for Contempt of Court. Was due to my last divorce. Told the Judge to go F*ck off if he thought I was giving my stuff I had before the marriage, to my ex and I also proclaimed loudly 'How much $$$ is it going to for you to back-off?' - purely & clearly in a sarcastic way. Judge didn't care for that and I got 90 days for 'Contempt' & 'Attempt to Influence a Public Servant'. I quickly learned that having the right lawyer works wonders! Now I keep one on retainer, same firm most of the naughty pro athletics and drug lords use. Every run-in since then has been smooth sailing!!!! No worries!

good for you dude... these ass holes need to be put in their place... I know EXACTLY howm you feel.

no good putting your head down...I Know it was You....
rofl... great shot!
you guy's no fun i goo out and have some fun!! lucky im here in Amsterdam so see you guy's in 10 hours (ore more!!)
@ TBM, LOL 'Attempt to Influence a Public Servant'.. what a bullshit charge, just goes to show that there is no freedom of speech in the 'court of law'.

@ NC420, you have more Albinos? :o Going to try some experiements to save 'em?

Thanks for the welcome Wiz, I see this is where the fun is on AFN!!