Weelll..next time you are in the Snuggle-bubble..remember what Caused it....:D

I Think children are the Most effective form of Birth Control..

Damn straight....Don't know if you remember Buster Gonads and his Unfeasably Large Testicles from Viz years ago? Well that's me from now on...

@LBH hhaha JM strains make's you sleepy no i planningsomthing beter the stronges Auto Haze's i mix in the chocolated and a litle bit of norwegian's Psilocybe Azurescens "Flying Saucers" and pure chocolated and mint leafs

Then the Mayans could be right...the world will end in 2012:crying:
Morning zen....:smokebuds:

If you are of a delicate disposition bro...cover your eyes and ears and sing la la la..
I have the feeling it could be a Wild Weekend in here.

BTW..gotta say..that AFN design in your signatue is Class....:thumbs:

saw Bailer wearing it first and I was wondering where he got it..
should have guess huh..

Design is Your Thing..:clap: :clap: :clap:
no i planningsomthing beter the stronges LBH's Autoflowering Haze i mix in the chocolated and a litle bit of norwegian's Psilocybe Azurescens "Flying Saucers" and pure chocolated and mint leafs

OMG...THAT is what I was Worried about..........

Armageddon writ LARGE...

Then the Mayans could be right...the world will end in 20

I Fear the Worst....

I Knew those Haze were too destructive to unleash on mankind.
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indeed the Maya's know it (and more other other religion too!) somday there secret furmula for the ultimate chocolate cookie Blast will be found according to the profectie some evil force called
La Buena Hierba ( ore aslo know as dart father.)
he will bring the world the ultimate cookie and bring the world too the darkside for once and for all time in 2012 .

\there is no stopping the dark side everybody will love La Buena Hierba Cookie's
(the world is ours for the taking)
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We is Steaming..
the temps have soared..so our world is full of mists..and mellow fruitfulness...

Hell...i'd just settle for 2 days the same at the moment
the sky yesterdayDSC02770.jpg:jump:

the sky todayDSC02778.jpg:finger:
indeed the Maya's know it (and more other other religion too!) somday there secret furmula for the ultimate chocolate cookie Blast will be found according to the profectie some evil force called la buena ore aslo know as dart father.
he will bring the world the ultimate cookie and bring the world too the darkside for once and for all time in 2012 .

Hey...i'll sign up today if you get a free cookie:crying:

Room for a little Fat 'un in there with you...no..I mean Me..not the girls...

Damn straight....Don't know if you remember Buster Gonads and his Unfeasably Large Testicles from Viz years ago? Well that's me from now on...
Yeah Bro...still have the picture in my mind....sympathies....:no:

somday there secret furmula for the ultimate chocolate cookie Blast will be found according to the profectie some evil force called la buena ore aslo know as dart father.
he will bring the world the ultimate cookie and bring the world too the darkside for once and for all time in 2012

We are DOOMED....

Hey...i'll sign up today if you get a free cookie

Damn right..if it is gonna happen anyway...
might as well enjoy the next year..or so...:smokebuds:

It is the photo growers I feel sorry for...
if the world end in the Spring...they only have one harvest to go...

We will be on Fresh right up to the End..:jump:
and so it begins