Morning Budz........:smokebuds:
You know..I leave you on your own for 1 day while I have some behind the scenes work...and what turn it into a Porn Fest...
You on that bloody Haze again LBH....?....:smokebuds:
I tell you this BOM thread scares me...
IF teflondummy suddenly turns like this after he grows your girls out..
we May get a Rush on your genetics..
Morning whatsgoodie......:smoke:
Well I'm coming into this thread at an awkward time....
Yup Bro...they don't Normally get this bad until Friday...
obviously the weekend started early this week...:buds:
Cheers for the other comments..I believe in karma..
it goes around and comes around..
and we have set up this site..
to Protect our Friends from the Same trouble...:thumbs:
you know...I was gonna say to LBH..that if he ever fancied a holiday swap..
he could come down and look after my girls..and I would do the same for him...
I'd never dare show my face in front of the neighbours if he had been up to his shenanigans on the patio....:no:
Wow, hardest ive laughed today.. maybe this whole week, i needed that
Don't you Encourage them...