so i goo too sleep and you guy's (and girl) go furter without me !!!)
indeed K10712 we aim too please
Morning Budz........:smokebuds:

You know..I leave you on your own for 1 day while I have some behind the scenes work...and what turn it into a Porn Fest...:D

You on that bloody Haze again LBH....?....:smokebuds:

I tell you this BOM thread scares me...

IF teflondummy suddenly turns like this after he grows your girls out..
we May get a Rush on your genetics..:D

Morning whatsgoodie......:smoke:

Well I'm coming into this thread at an awkward time....
Yup Bro...they don't Normally get this bad until Friday...
obviously the weekend started early this week...:buds:


Cheers for the other comments..I believe in karma..
it goes around and comes around..

and we have set up this site..
to Protect our Friends from the Same trouble...:thumbs:

you know...I was gonna say to LBH..that if he ever fancied a holiday swap..
he could come down and look after my girls..and I would do the same for him...
I'd never dare show my face in front of the neighbours if he had been up to his shenanigans on the patio....:no:


Wow, hardest ive laughed today.. maybe this whole week, i needed that
Don't you Encourage them...:D
I needed to see this funny shit to brighten my morning(4:03am)I love all of you truethfuly, I think about u guys at work and well every given minute this site and the ppl on it are in my mind...

Thanks for all of u being such great, generous friendly funny ppl!

I have such great love for all of u and my beloved AFN...

Look what LBH brought me yesterday...a Warning sticker.....:dance2:

Now..if I'm on the satis..I can stick it at the top of the post...and you all know to ignore anything I say..coz I'm Floatinnnnnnnnnnnnn...:smokebuds:

High as an Old Hippys Cat....

you might not be able to See me..but you know the Smile is fixed on me face like Rictus.....

Totally Gone..


Helpful Huh..a thread with its own Warning Triangles...
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Morning All
Bloody hell...was there something in the water yesterday??? It went from Pets Win Prizes to Carry On Canna:crying:
I think we need a libido tamer as well as a dragon tamer on here....but then again i'm speaking as someone who has only got his end away TWICE this year...due to my wife being heavily pregnant..and need a weelbarrow to carry my nuts around in;)
Moral of the story....I play for both teams and my husband loves it!!!!!

Fell off my chair when i read that:drool:

My husband doesn't play video games....but he is handy with a camera!!!!
Decided to just stay on the floor after that:p
Morning NC.......:smokebuds:

After the day you have had you need your Friends around you.
Not surprised you are having a late one..that has to have a few replays in your head afore you sleep.

But..remember..They put themselves in that position.

I have such great love for all of u and my beloved AFN...
Bit like Family..but better..less Fights...:D

Bloody hell...was there something in the water yesterday???
I Think so.....:crying:

You know..LBH is thinking of making JM's canna chocolates...:no:

god help us all..
It went from Pets Win Prizes to Carry On Canna

Weeell...Ding Dong..

(Licks eyebrows seductively into place..slow smile..)

sound like a canny swap to Me...:thumbs:

but then again i'm speaking as someone who has only got his end away TWICE this year...due to my wife being heavily pregnant..and need a weelbarrow to carry my nuts around in;)

:crying: time you are in the Snuggle-bubble..remember what Caused it....:D

I Think children are the Most effective form of Birth Control..
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You know..LBH is thinking of making JM's canna chocolates...:no:
Damn...I'd better start making preparations...just don't tell anybody where SecretBunker.jpg

Well, my girls are just about showing enough to be here they are
Blue HimalayaBlue Himalaya.jpg
Mi5.. just poking her head thruMi5.jpg
2 x Super Cali HazeSuper Cali1.jpgSuper Cali2.jpg
and i had another super cali sprout this morning so she has gone in to soil now as well....happy days
Morning TBM..........:smokebuds:

You sneaked in behind me..
which is a bit concerting after I saw your comments about..
prison..showers and soap...:lol:

We is Steaming..
the temps have our world is full of mists..and mellow fruitfulness... is if you grow AF' guys have to wait til Autumn..:D

I took the girls in last night..we had a sinister weather front moving in..
so the glass-house was Stinking with the early morning heat.


You all set for the weekend...?

Someone in this house is going back to the UK tomorrow..
(mom is eventually coming out of hospital..)
so it will be a full weekend with just me and the girls here.....sigh.......:lol:

Sounds like the Perfect excuse to PARTY....:smokebuds: