This thread has legs.. It moves so fast..

I hope FD and wiz get to see these.

Guess who show'd their face in the Sour60's? Our old friend the cloven pheno. Only one of them all that did it.. Makes me think cloven isn't so much a JEM trait but more an afghani trait, period. It might be a way to "see" where a pheno is from genetically, if it shows you clovens.


This thread has legs.. It moves so fast..

I hope FD and wiz get to see these.

Guess who show'd their face in the Sour60's? Our old friend the cloven pheno. Only one of them all that did it.. Makes me think cloven isn't so much a JEM trait but more an afghani trait, period. It might be a way to "see" where a pheno is from genetically, if it shows you clovens.



Man, This is in my JH because of the Afghan in the Skunk that's in JH...

This is in a lot of the crosses I've seen on peoples grow threads with Afghan in them... Also my Pure Afghani Kush does it...
This thread has legs.. It moves so fast..

I hope FD and wiz get to see these.

Very nice my fav trait on the bitches. They seem to love nutes and have a good buzz. I see that this is on a male this time.
I have one stepping out right now too. Remember the Bx i did from ICU with Jem shes throwing cloven right now as well.

wouldn't these two be and interesting pair....

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shes throwing cloven right now as well.

I wonder what wiz will have to say about it. hmm

This is in a lot of the crosses I've seen on peoples grow threads with Afghan in them... Also my Pure Afghani Kush does it...

What NC was saying!! You might have a nice kushy pheno. Ar at least affie dom.?

It's like a visual indicator of where the pheno fits into the scheme of things.
Morning All
another gorgeous day here in blighty

I nearly Fainted..I got contractions in me wallet...:no: can take the man out of the north but you can't take the north out of the man:crying:

Smokey...I have heard that Plagron is the Best..but I haven't used it personally.

thanks for the input m8...have read that it may be a bit hot for germing/seedlings so think i'll try FD's tiered transplant method...starting in normal compo then into the bat mix

BOING!!!!! is that spring i hear???
outdoor.jpg ahhhh...the first shoots of summer :jump:
You said it! I am loooooving this weather! I envy you guys with outdoor access.. its my dream to move out to the country, let my dogs run free and my buds grow big
You said it! I am loooooving this weather! I envy you guys with outdoor access.. its my dream to move out to the country, let my dogs run free and my buds grow big​

Well I'm sure a sweet litle spot awaits you at first opportunity mate... it truly is a blessing to be so close to nature every day... I never forget that