I decided to stick with RRF#1 as the male. Turned out to be just as aromatic, thankfully, and i put him in isolation (closet with a t5 strip lol), wich gets quite cold, and i noticed some purple floret, or with purple on them! Ill get some pics tonight of him, gotta wait for the tents to shut down for the night so there isnt air moving around. I'll prob get some pollen tonight, as a few florets have opened, and then be done. My plan is to do it over a dinner plate, leave the t5 over it for an hour or so, then ziplocks-then freezer.I'm sure my RRF#3 has already caught some pollen, so i'll have some RRF seeds...hopefully to help me stabilize..or work on a few other crosses later on.
APE1 showed gender (female) 18JAN12 @ 3.86' (RRF1 @ 2.24 + RRF3 @2.21), I imagine she will be much bigger in the end. She has skinnier leavlets, prob got some sativa in her. Either way , i hope the pollen lasts until i can use it! I got some "pre pollen" from a few early bloomers, in a jar, under incandecent for 30 mins, then i had to go somwhere in a rush, so it was left (no light on, i could at least do that ) and no lid for like 4-6 hours. I put a lid on it as soon as i got home, and in the freezer it went. Think it will be viable?
Any other suggestions would be appreciated, first time collecting pollen.
In the meantime, here are some pics of RRF3

She sits wide. I like how she grows. I'm not sure you can tell, but I've been working with the leaves, trying to encourage growth on the emerging budsites. Seems to bee working quite well, i can see a difference as soon as the next day.
Also in the second pic, is a lighter, for size comparason, barely visible. She is currently 8.75"
I decided to stick with RRF#1 as the male. Turned out to be just as aromatic, thankfully, and i put him in isolation (closet with a t5 strip lol), wich gets quite cold, and i noticed some purple floret, or with purple on them! Ill get some pics tonight of him, gotta wait for the tents to shut down for the night so there isnt air moving around. I'll prob get some pollen tonight, as a few florets have opened, and then be done. My plan is to do it over a dinner plate, leave the t5 over it for an hour or so, then ziplocks-then freezer.I'm sure my RRF#3 has already caught some pollen, so i'll have some RRF seeds...hopefully to help me stabilize..or work on a few other crosses later on.

APE1 showed gender (female) 18JAN12 @ 3.86' (RRF1 @ 2.24 + RRF3 @2.21), I imagine she will be much bigger in the end. She has skinnier leavlets, prob got some sativa in her. Either way , i hope the pollen lasts until i can use it! I got some "pre pollen" from a few early bloomers, in a jar, under incandecent for 30 mins, then i had to go somwhere in a rush, so it was left (no light on, i could at least do that ) and no lid for like 4-6 hours. I put a lid on it as soon as i got home, and in the freezer it went. Think it will be viable?
Any other suggestions would be appreciated, first time collecting pollen.
In the meantime, here are some pics of RRF3

She sits wide. I like how she grows. I'm not sure you can tell, but I've been working with the leaves, trying to encourage growth on the emerging budsites. Seems to bee working quite well, i can see a difference as soon as the next day.
Also in the second pic, is a lighter, for size comparason, barely visible. She is currently 8.75"