It depends on how they fem them in my humble opinion. If they fem them by stressing a female, creating a herm, thats no bueno amigo! I would rather they use colloidal silver, and use that pollen on an entirely different female.
From what I have researched, and come to the conclusion, is this does a few things for the breeder.
It opens the genetic pool up first, you aren't inbreeding a plant to itself, you'll prob get all kinds of herms and bottle-necking in the progeny, why not use the pollen from the hermed (by CS, i'll explain why CS instead of stress in a min) female you like (awesome genes) to a unadulturated female (to awesome genes!)?
Why CS (colloidal silver)? Because if you are stressing your plants to make them produce pollen, they have the herm gene to express to begin with, and you are just breeding that in it seems to me! CS works (in my understanding, as is this whole things im writing so im going to quit sayin IMO) like pollution (Mercury) to fish, it fuck thier bio up, and makes them female, not that thats good, but it doesnt involve hermie genes. To me, it would be like a girl taking a pill to produce sperm, not a born hermaphridite. Is the pill healthy for that woman? Problably not, maybe it doesnt affect other stuff, but i dont think it affects the subsequent generations, but time, testing, and documentation will tell.
How do I find out scientifically? Without asking the breeder? (not always an option!) Well, the way me seez it, if the seeds I produce are all fucked up, inbred, prone to herm, etc, it was prob stressed, and may make 1 or 2 good generations, but time will tell. If the kids come out alright, and i breed them and the f2's...3's...4's etc come out as with breeding a non herm...then i'll assume my hypothesis of CS are correct, either way, I'll learn something.
Hope that helps.