RUDI is small. It will try to tap it root deep and to produce its seed and make very little flower but it is very climate hardy.
Indica is broad. The flowers are body potent and it is light sensitive. Most indicas are not built for humid temps.
Sativa is long. The flowers are heady potent and it is light sensitive. Some sativas thrive well in humid temps like brazillian and thailand sativas.
Optimally I'd like to have a garden with max temperature at 85F* during the day with 50% humidity and near 50F* with %50 at night.
Well I don't.
My environment can go in dry spells and deluges with out a notice. To give you an Idea typically my summers are 90-110 85-100% HUMID during the day and night temps are about 80-90 60-100% HUMID.
Im looking for something that will have a RUDI hardy trait of cold weather or bad soil and yet still be able to deal with humid weather or extreme heat in the shade. What should I look for in trait dominance?
Like More sativa or more indica?
I want to grow strains that are humid friendly in the summer and average 55-80 days to harvest.
Also I would want a strain worth growing that is autoflower in a winter hardy variety one. Even if it takes longer say 80-140 days to harvest at least it was not dependent on the sun. Am I right?
I know planting in the shade is bad but really only the morning sun is what is important once that cold twilight is done the mist is picked off by the pink sun rays and before you know it its 2 PM its 100F* and in the shade its at least 85F*. What Im saying is in my case its all about where the sun faces so the Forrest fauna can deflect some of the direct heat.
Mostly out here it goes start around april and latest early june and finish around early august late oct with photo strains.
Which indica or sativa trait dominance is best in 32* NORTH strains for these two different times of the year
summer temps 70 - 100+
winter temps -10 - 70?
RUDI is small. It will try to tap it root deep and to produce its seed and make very little flower but it is very climate hardy.
Indica is broad. The flowers are body potent and it is light sensitive. Most indicas are not built for humid temps.
Sativa is long. The flowers are heady potent and it is light sensitive. Some sativas thrive well in humid temps like brazillian and thailand sativas.
Optimally I'd like to have a garden with max temperature at 85F* during the day with 50% humidity and near 50F* with %50 at night.
Well I don't.
My environment can go in dry spells and deluges with out a notice. To give you an Idea typically my summers are 90-110 85-100% HUMID during the day and night temps are about 80-90 60-100% HUMID.
Im looking for something that will have a RUDI hardy trait of cold weather or bad soil and yet still be able to deal with humid weather or extreme heat in the shade. What should I look for in trait dominance?
Like More sativa or more indica?
I want to grow strains that are humid friendly in the summer and average 55-80 days to harvest.
Also I would want a strain worth growing that is autoflower in a winter hardy variety one. Even if it takes longer say 80-140 days to harvest at least it was not dependent on the sun. Am I right?
I know planting in the shade is bad but really only the morning sun is what is important once that cold twilight is done the mist is picked off by the pink sun rays and before you know it its 2 PM its 100F* and in the shade its at least 85F*. What Im saying is in my case its all about where the sun faces so the Forrest fauna can deflect some of the direct heat.
Mostly out here it goes start around april and latest early june and finish around early august late oct with photo strains.
Which indica or sativa trait dominance is best in 32* NORTH strains for these two different times of the year
summer temps 70 - 100+
winter temps -10 - 70?