Lighting Royal Queen Seeds: Norther Lights Automatic

Those r realy beautyful girls moab dow and she looks healthy and happy.;) My next grow will be from RQS Royal Dwarf, but my brother will grow that RQS Northern Lights automatic and I rly hope his will be as beautyful and monsters like your is.Good luck with rest of the grow and green karma from me. ;)
that shit got chubby as fuck lolol but it has such strange looking leaves, almost like nitrogen fingers, but it looks delicious :D!!!. the movie that comes to mind ATM is super troopers, when theyre delousing farva,

Farva "its powdered sugar sir"
the captain "the lice hate it"
Farva "its delicious"

lolol i guess if youve never seen you wont find it funny at all, best of luck bro!!!

ps, are you gona put 5 TDs in a ds60?
Thanks gogi- i'm sure you'll like it. Hopefully you get a good germination rate in your batch, i'm wishing i had more than one. I hadn't heard of royal dwarf but it could be impressive. They claim it can yield up to 300gr, we'll see. funny tho, only info is - "Genetical background: different ancestors"

Good to find though, i see auto's are being pushed to a higher standard of genetics:smokeit:like Think Different, that one is aiming for strong potency, high yield and real quick flowering "58 - 62 days" ( SeedFinder.Com - Royal Dwarf )

Sherlock- She's defiantly got nice frosty nugs going on now eh? sure hope it's a decent yield, the smell is Strong Skunk and i bet the smoke will be killer.

good quote btw. but What do you mean by "sd60"?

4 TD's are actually going now, 1 didn't make it- but 4 doing really awesome. After this Norther Lights Automatic is finished, i'm germinating 5 more TD seeds.

Anyhow, here are some pics (taking the best i can with droid) from tonight of the Northern Lights, getting towards the end:clap:

Day 75: Going into 48 Hours of Darkness.

High Resin Production, i am impressed.

Really wish her sisters would have actually auto-ed. This harvest would be triple! Hopefully Royal Queen Seeds is still working to stabilize this one.

She could have came down a week ago, probably i could wait another week but I'm chopping here now to make way for a new group. According to the seedbank this one is suppose to finish up around "68 days".

Not sure about potential weight, there's more branching than i originally expected. Anyone feel like making a guess?

Took some photos with 10x as well so you can see the THC Coverage close:thumbs:

here we go guys...

So she's been drying and brown bagged. i'm thinking of jarring her in a day or so.
Looks decent for an all LED. The buds aren't huge, but they are completely thc coated, even most leaves. soon I'm looking at getting either a Extreme 189x LED
or possibly a 400w Diamond Series. Leaning mostly towards the 189, would appreciate anyone's opinion.

The northern lights is mostly dry now, and total weight is around 3 1/2 ounces or a little more. I'm guessing it'll be around 2 - 3 after curing.

Now the smell is not just hay, but a very present sweetness- almost peppery in a way too. in a month things should be really stunky.

So here's a few pics [only half the plant is shown]


I cannot stress enough how much i wish ALL 5 of the northern lights auto seeds from this batch were good. Remember- this girl, tho amazing, is the result of germinating a whole 5 pack back in October. I feel Royal Queen Seeds needs to breed the auto trait a few more generations here, and make this a stable auto.

Under A heftier light, she would have weighed a little more, being bigger buds. But for Now i'm going to be very happy and enjoy what i've got. 4 think differents to chop in 35 days :toke:. They're under this LED & 400w hps btw, that journal's up..

:Early Smoke Test:

I recently picked up a half z of OG Kush. Been smoking that the past week. very strong, great smoke (the kind that triple bagged stinks up the whole room). Yesterday my groPartner and i decided to give this Auto Northern Lights a test smoke.
After a shared bowl # 1, it was already a wonderful high. Very clear, not scatter brained, and nice for conversation. Really clean in the lungs, and slight body relief most instantly as well. Defiantly did not get any sort of couch lock effect Though. Taste was Subtle subtly sweet/skunk-ish, but not much to talk about for that or smell yet.

After bowl #2, i was noticeably enjoying this more than that og kush. There is NOTHING like fresh home grown :thumbs:
Distributed herb just is never the same.

More Pics and Final Review coming soon.
2013 - Northern Lights Auto - Royal Queen Seeds.jpg

Thought this was a beautiful pic of her. burping the jar, wanted to share:wiz:
Just smoked a test bowl.:toke:

The smell is very sweet floural, with slight skunk smell. Not very strong yet but coming in for sure. Buds still a little squishy but not really damp at all. minimal moisture left.

2/3rds through this test bowl it hit me real good.

AWESOME High. Straight to the dome, near-trippy. 3 bowls would be really mental.

after 20+ minutes I feel zero Couch-lock, a very comfortable pure high. Good representation of northern lights.

This herb as is, blows the "Headies" I've been smoking all week straight out of the water. As a 7 year smoker, i can certainly say this smoke would impress anyone.

It burned PERFECT. slow and very thorough- stays lit. smokes all the way clean, turn the bowl upside down dumps out. great full filling in the lungs.

Final review in a week or two with more of a cure, tho coming a long really well.

