Indoor Royal gorilla

So no real changes to her besides filling in got real sick for 2.5 days and with no water the 1 gal pot of coco didnr fair to well you can see one on edge of photo
So this strain is def main cola dominate for sure smells getting more complex as well im going to harvest some pollen from it in a wk or so we will see how it goes with
So pulled off 10 or so pollen sacks and we have pollen so i painted some on a few buds from this plant and another check out miphisto/my crosses so i will be harvesting more pollen to cross some plants
So not looking good on selfing she is to quick will stiil try with the lower larf but she is bulking up fast last week buds were no where near as hard so she got maybe 2wks so we will see
So I cut it down checked the trick 2 days ago and was good to go so I trimmed it up in brown paper bags
So got 64.4g dry of some of the best smelling buds I've grown here are some dry pics