@DABaracuss in the house!

How ya doin man? Looking good Hobbes! I use the 45u silk rosin tech pouches. I dont cram them full, but filled and flat, if you get my meaning, corner to corner. Coffee filters work, but to up your game, you do need some silk filter bags! I fill them with hash, flatten them, fold the top over on its self, press it, then pull it out and press it again. If there is a knob to speed up or slow down the ram, slow the ram down a bit. It will slowly press the product, melting it as it squishes, then full on squish and squish it a 2nd time. With the rosin micron screen bags, about 2 presses and all the good stuff is out. If you are getting really dark rosin, its impurities mixed in most times, but can also be a strain you are working with, but mostly impurities. Take the impurities out of the screen and spray them down with 99% iso in a small spray bottle and drop them in a tupperware container with a lid, let em soak for a bit, shake the container and pull them out and let them dry and reuse them! I have never had a blow out with a silk screen! We are looking for liquid golden sunshine/honey like colors, like in some of your photos. or like this...

Typically, 20-25% return is what most people are getting with hash, after they dial things in. 10-15% on flower pressing as well after a while of dialing things in. It is also strain dependent. Some will squish better than others!