Dont forget to decarb!I have always done my edibles by making butter,tinctures, oils from flower. I am really looking forward to making some with rosin. At 180 I am getting a crumble like rosin and the terp profile is amazing. I get a great product at 8 ton if I take it to 10 ton the rosin gets a little green but remains somewhat crumbly not quite a caramel texture. I will post some pics of the rosin this weekend as I am planning on making hard candies or lollies. Maybe some gummies 2thanks: @Mcdee )I've all kinds of rosin at the moment may as well spend some time in the kitchen. The little ones always like to see me making goodies there is always some non med goodies for them as well. My 12 year old sons have asked for some star wars or fortnite molds