Rooting a Salvia Divinorum cutting?

I guess that is whole different ball game than weed but, they have grown and they are still alive Lol. Man that shit looks serious, How'd you make the extract?

I bought some pure acetone from the pharmacy, cleaned two shot glasses, but a gram in one and a half in the other, poured acetone in the one with a gram, occasionally stirring let it sit for 5-10 min, drained the liquid into the other glass and repeated twice. Then I let it evaporate overnight and spread the finished product to dry for a sec as it was still moist for some reason.

Surprisingly little of the good stuff dried on the glass itself, but I still scraped off what I could with a scalpel and mixed it in with the rest.
Just took my first salvia cuttings ever.

These are the two apically dominant branches that were born from the topping of the bigger plant. Both of the plants are now almost the same height. Hopefully this will also make the bigger plant even more bushy.

Not sure yet what I'll do with these cuttings. If my friends want their own plants I guess I'll give them away - there's more where these two came from.
This is awesome! This may be AFN but your green thumb man kicks ass!!!!:D

Thanks for popping by bro! I've been meaning to update this as I believe I now have 7 cuttings in total (I 'disassembled' the original two to make my move easier). The first three I might've messed up with too much peroxide (looked exactly like stem rot but didn't turn soft, just seriously stunted root growth). I'm gonna plant 2 or 3 cuttings in one pot this time around and fim them from the start.
Here it is! The official update on my second encounter with cuttings!

I took 8 cuttings. Of the three initial cuttings, two were blackened by excessive hydrogen peroxide use (I've learned you do better without it). I mistook them for rot and released the cuttings back into the wild. The third one I snapped while trying to remove the bottom of its stem which was less affected than on the other two (because apparently Hydrogen Peroxide not only blackens these poor bastards, but fucks up their root formation altogether). I couldn't be bothered to start over with it so I just... Well, I had to throw it in the bin actually which I feel pretty crap about.

The remaining 5 cuttings I rated by their health based on appearance. I put the three weakest specimens in one 3l bottom watering pot (left) and the two better ones in the other (right).

My plan is to keep just spray them regularly, and to only use a sandwich bag at night and when I'm not around. As soon as they've established well enough I'll stop spraying. I'll also be topping the plants frequently. With proper soil this time around I'm hopeful I'll see some more spontaneous bushing anyway.

hey there pretty cool.a few yes back in fl they made it I never tried and bought a bunch of dift strengths. tried them all except the XXX...tripped pretty hard with no explanation of where I was think I was in a clock once felt like a puppet...laughed uncontrollably...anyways I got a heart condition and never used the XXX was wondering if you new if this speeds up your heart when used??? was gonna give it away but never have.hate to have heart attack while in another dimension if ya dig.the funniest time was watching jimi on TV n the next thing I no he is standing in front of me n were having a convo freaked my wife out.
I would say yes. I haven't measured anything obviously but I'm sure the visuals alone would be enough to make my heart go faster. I wouldn't recommend risking it at all however, as heart attack sounds like a really shitty way to go :tongue:
Any updates on this, WW? Salvia's on my short list of things to acquire and learn to try, along with mescaline cactus and xhosa root. Unfortunately, the less mainstream options are hard to learn about or read up on, so a firsthand source is worth its weight in gold.
Any updates on this, WW? Salvia's on my short list of things to acquire and learn to try, along with mescaline cactus and xhosa root. Unfortunately, the less mainstream options are hard to learn about or read up on, so a firsthand source is worth its weight in gold.

Ahh... Not doing so great. The cuttings have been through hell. My friend's cat has yanked and bit the shit out of them. The soil has sucked up way too much water from the bottom res and turned into a damp, nasty mess (I haven't added any water since planting them). And to add insult to injury I once accidentally sprayed them with a strong hydrogen peroxide solution that I had been using for other stuff but forgotten in the spray bottle. This turned them brownish and dead-looking. I've long since stopped spraying them altogether. They're mostly alive and growing stronger every day, but still. It doesn't help that the days here are quickly getting shorter either. These plants really seem to enjoy the direct evening sun.



^That's the pot with three cuttings in it. They're making slow but steady progress. The other pot that had two cuttings is doing better, although that dickhead cat killed one of them. The surviving cutting has abandoned all hope of growing the main stem apparently, and made itself a new one. The growth is starting to look quite healthy again.



Who said these things can't take a beating?? They just won't die! :crying: