Rooting a Salvia Divinorum cutting?

Nice bro I don't think they will mind really anyways haha. I haven't even looked into extraction techniques really. There's this other chemical that people use but I can't remember what it's called ATM. I think it started with an M but might be wrong :shrug:

BTW Happy AFN Anniversary!

Thanks, I just noticed myself!

Naphtha, heptane or similar is used for extracting pure salvinorin, I think.
The plants have now been acclimated for a while.

They both took dry conditions pretty well. It took perhaps a week to get them used to 40% humidity. Leaf loss was minimal but I've already gotten a few very nice experiences with smoked plain leaf thanks to those few casualties.

A few weeks ago I topped the bigger plant and more recently the smaller one as well. Branch growth has already exploded on the bigger plant.

I've also been dealing with a pH problem caused by incorrect storage of the soil I used. Interestingly the salvia plants don't really seem to mind if the soil pH is over 8, they just grow really slowly. My weed plants almost died on me because of the same reason. I flushed the bigger cutting with phosphoric acid (GHE pH-) and the smaller one with citric acid until the run-off was about 5-6. That left the soil at about 6.5 and so far both plants seem to have picked up the pace. I also found that a Top-Max foliar spray visibly enlarges leaves overnight and possibly encourages branching.
Damn bro, very very nice! I can't believe you already got to smoke some that's way awesome!
What did/do you think of the trip?

Well, first of all it's scary how normal it felt to trip. Being teleported into another dimension didn't feel weird at all.
The few trips I've already had were positive experiences for sure. I always sense a female dominant presence of people. The people I feel present always seem familiar. Come to think of it, each time a woman has attempted to communicate something to me but I can't hear what they're saying, I only get the gestures. Odd.
Everythings going great!

I've some issues with too much nutes which at first appeared as paleness of the leaves, new growth in particular at the time of spraying with TopMax. I tried to fix the problem with mild feeding of some more nutes which in turn led to an even more yellow hue and some burn spots here and there. No biggie.

Here's half a gram of some experimental 2-3x extract I made. Looks kinda intimidating, eh? :eek1:

I also nibbed 5 medium to big leaves (5-6g) and put them to dry after taking the pics. I'm saving up for the quid now!

In retrospect, I'm surprised at how resilient these plants are. Although I was extra careful while rooting them, I believe it'd be very hard to fuck it up if you only have reasonably clean water and somewhat healthy cuttings. Acclimating the cuttings was a breeze and even after serious pH fluctuations and mild to severe underwatering (due to my paranoia) they're growing like champs.

All it takes is the will to try. And a spray bottle. :toke: