Rooting a Salvia Divinorum cutting?

Hmm. Well, salvia develops trichomes, like cannabis, and that is where Salvinorin A (the active chemical in Salvia) is produced. At which point they develop those, and at which point the chemical is present, are beyond my scope of knowledge at this time.

Was looking for a close up of the leaves to show trichomes but can't find one. Will update if/when I do.

Found it! ...I think.
Take a look at page 770, read the descriptions for fig. 4 & 5
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It's now been two days and I thought I'd do a little update.

The plants certainly aren't as thirsty anymore. Leaves have perked up a bit. I found some generously sized minigrip bags which make for more convenient greenhouses.

I also changed the water for both of them today. I was originally planning on discontinuing the use of hydrogen peroxide but I saw something troubling on the bigger cutting...

The brown stuff isn't soft or mushy so I'm not sure what to make of it yet. I'm hoping it's not the start of stem rot. I don't have a lot of extra stem to play with... The browning stops at the water surface, but if it spreads I'll be forced to take measures to save what I can.
Fortunately the smaller cutting doesn't have this.

I'll probably update again if and when I start seeing roots. :tiphat:
Time for another update!

The cuttings have been chilling with my bhut jolokia seedlings in this state-of-the-art old aquarium I turned into a very cool looking growing... tank thingy a few days ago. They REALLY seem to like the constant 99% humidity.

Which kind of brings me to the main point of this update... I'm not an expert at detecting salvia roots but I think these two dimples are salvia roots :grin:

They have appeared here and there, but as of yet they are quite few. Both cuttings have them, but they're not as pronounced on the bigger cutting yet.

That's all for now!
The cuttings went into pots today! The bigger one had several roots already. The smaller one only had a few long roots but I decided to plant her too because a) today is water changing day and I'm out of peroxide and b) I'm leaving for two days and I don't want the roots to grow too long while I'm gone.

Now we wait... Again :coffee2:
The plants have spent about two weeks in pots now and they've already grown a fair bit. They haven't really received as much light as they probably should have because I'm currently using the grow light for the chillies that need it more. I'll begin acclimating them in a few days because the aquarium is getting a bit small.

I've already got a bottle of pharma grade acetone waiting to make some extract. :D
Hmmm.... you're making me want to tell you to send me some of that when you have some ready. The last Salvia I bought a month ago was labeled as 30x standardized, but I've smoked 15x that was way more potent. Long story short it was a huge waste of money because the 30x wasn't strong enough to put me into any sort of trip.

Hope this turns out well for you! P.S. Doesn't Salvia prefer indirect sunlight (ie. shade)?
Hmmm.... you're making me want to tell you to send me some of that when you have some ready. The last Salvia I bought a month ago was labeled as 30x standardized, but I've smoked 15x that was way more potent. Long story short it was a huge waste of money because the 30x wasn't strong enough to put me into any sort of trip.

Hope this turns out well for you! P.S. Doesn't Salvia prefer indirect sunlight (ie. shade)?

30x and 15x sound pretty hardcore. I've read you can only make up to 5x proper extract via simple acetone extraction but I think that's going to be plenty for me. I wonder if I could fill a teabag with it and use it like a quid because I kinda wanna try that first...

Salvia does prefer partial shade, I think, but what mine are growing in is textbook full shade which I hear is less than optimal. They'll get the grow light to themselves soon enough, though, so it's all good.
Nice bro I don't think they will mind really anyways haha. I haven't even looked into extraction techniques really. There's this other chemical that people use but I can't remember what it's called ATM. I think it started with an M but might be wrong :shrug:

BTW Happy AFN Anniversary!