Mephisto Genetics Rookie does first MG grow - 2 skywalker

Mar 13, 2017
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Still in my rookie season. This would technically be my third grow so still learning. Making mistakes. Finding what works for me. What I don't like etc. So I'm getting there.

This third grow I have a DP Think Different on Day 24.
And 2 Skywalker (chosen for resin) on day 12.

Using coco/perlite and amended in biochar and EWC. And DE and crushed dunks for bug prevention.
Half size autopots with airdomes
Tang's simple/easy schedule with calmag, silica, drip clean
Keeping temp around 25C and RH at 50%.

Germed in tissue, then in to clear cups, then in to autopots on day 10. Mycorrhizae added on roots when exposed.

One of the skywalker's started off wonky where one side was smaller/slower than the other. And its still that way. And its smaller than her sister.

Plan to turn on airdomes soon. And switch to autopot feeding around day 21 or when the canopy hits the edges.

My pictures generally suck still, so sorry about the quality. Trying to find my way with how to take good pictures, but I think I wasn't given that gene. But then again, I didn't think I had the green thumb gene either.

Still in my rookie season. This would technically be my third grow so still learning. Making mistakes. Finding what works for me. What I don't like etc. So I'm getting there.

This third grow I have a DP Think Different on Day 24.
And 2 Skywalker (chosen for resin) on day 12.

Using coco/perlite and amended in biochar and EWC. And DE and crushed dunks for bug prevention.
Half size autopots with airdomes
Tang's simple/easy schedule with calmag, silica, drip clean
Keeping temp around 25C and RH at 50%.

Germed in tissue, then in to clear cups, then in to autopots on day 10. Mycorrhizae added on roots when exposed.

One of the skywalker's started off wonky where one side was smaller/slower than the other. And its still that way. And its smaller than her sister.

Plan to turn on airdomes soon. And switch to autopot feeding around day 21 or when the canopy hits the edges.

My pictures generally suck still, so sorry about the quality. Trying to find my way with how to take good pictures, but I think I wasn't given that gene. But then again, I didn't think I had the green thumb gene either.

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When did you transplant, 2 days ago? Wait about a week from transplant, then turn them on. Dont turn Autopots on yet tho. Start your Airdomes and watch them kick into 2nd gear within days. I wait 5-7 days after transplant and turn them on. I just want then to root a little on their own, then the Air injection will make your roots explode. Your plants will respond almost Immediately. This will also help with overwatering, once you turn on the Airdomes your medium drys quicker. I recommend starting your Airdomes a good week before your Autopots. I think many people using Autopots should get a better root system before turning on Autopots, bottom feeding without a good root system just causes things to slow down and suffer. Good luck, will be following.
Day 19. Still following Tangs easy schedule with Sensi Bloom AB. Also adding Calmag. Since I'm top watering still I'm adding some product I don't think I'd put in the autopots res like liquid kelp.
I'll switch them to the autopot res system on Tuesday.
Using Optic Foliar full product line as well. Every other day they get a light spray.
Lights are 24 hours, one autocob per plant 30 inches above canopy.
Avg temp is 23C and RH 55%.
No training at all.






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From what I read in the Mephisto guide the Skywalker really doesn't need much training other than leaf tucking. One of the two plants looked like some ponytailing could get some light to the lower section. So I'll apply a ponytail 6 hours per day for a couple of days on the one plant.


Day 22. Still hand watering. I watered with PH'd water only over the last day. + some nitrozyme and calmag. No base nutes.
I like the first phase of autopots and the handwatering instead of loading a res up. Its easy to make little tweaks and make up a one off custom batch of liquid lunch for one feed.
One of the plants is 12 inches tall but she took a bit of a beating with my bad ass attempt at ponytailing. There are some marks on the leaves.


Day 33

Still following Tangs simple schedule and it seems they are liking it. One is short and stocky and I had to do some LST on it. The other taller one only needs a bit of leaf tucking.

Short and bushy one


Tall and lean

Day 36

These plants are my best so far at this stage. Getting over some learning curve it looks like. Need to make sure I don't overdo COB light. Use calmag. Watch for signs of plants needing more feed.

No LST or HST for these two.

This first plant is sativa all the way it seems like. Such narrow leaf and airy spacing. I don't even have to leaf tuck this one. Light penetration is excellent. And getting lots of bud sites on long stems that look like they will stack up nicely. Main stem seems soft to me compared to the other shorter one. Hoping she can handle some weight. Might need to add some silica but it might be too late. She is 23 inches tall right now and probably still stretching.

Top and side view

Second plant is so much different an to me is expressing indica dominant traits. Short and squat, big leaf, dense, chunky looking bud sites. I have to do a lot of leaf tucking on this one. I am hoping to not prune or defoliate this one just so i can learn and experience what that is like.

Top and side view.