Indoor Rocket Fuel-

I can only suggest a net and a taller tent. I use tomato hoops from garden center but mine would grow round em b4 this point. Think you would do more damage than good trying to super crop her at this tall tent order 1 pick 1 up for 70 quid ish it would pay for itself in a way.
The gorilla tents have height extension options. Don't know if you're wanting to invest in a new tent or have the budget for it but if you keep growing monsters, you will probably need it going forward.

Imagine, what a problem to have: "help help, my plants gone too well and it's too big!"

I'm sorry man, I'm sure it is stressful for you but I mean, the thread is called Rocket Fuel.
Supercrop activate! :headbang:
U need any pointers feel free to ask!

Just about every branch on this auto was supercropped! If u can do it to an auto can def do it with a photo!

OH AND FYI......
Next time if u have autos and photos together autos may lose a smidge of yield but u can flip to 12/12 with the autos in there and they’ll still finish no problem! :d5:
Good Morning All

Today is Day 77 and lights will be flipped to 12-12 this weekend. Grown in coco she is a beast and will need to be tied down as she’s close to light as it is.@dclxv1
U can still supercrop no problem! Any sooner than now would be a waste cuz those branches if not tied down into place will stand right back up!

You can see all the knuckles or branches standing out sideways from bending em! Some of these branches got supercropped as many as 3 diff times cuz they kept growing back up toward the light so had to keep breaking em again!
what i normally do is say about day 30 once my main tops are taking shape that's when I start training them and I tie almost everything down at that stage but if your in your position maybe tie the big sides across slightly if you have the space I tie them onto tent poles or anything else and then you will have that big main top to deal with but you can only do that if she still has some bend to give as if shes solid you could snap her but that's strain dependant and age but I supercrop mine if shes being stubborn or messing my canopy up
:confused1: Why is this grow journal in this section dude? You realize this is for smoke reports/reviews on photoperiods- reason why there's little traffic!
I'm moving it to Indoor Journals....:toke: