RocBud Rocbudinc Genetics

I have no cats. Or dogs. Lol
Had to go back and look to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating but looks like a hair in a couple pics but not 100% positive! :shrug:

My animals have never once been allowed into my room where my tents are and I still find a hair now n again stuck to my buds so guess could be our own hair or it was tracked in from elsewhere! U don’t smoke tho so just consider it extra weight for whoever gets that bud! ;) :crying:
Why I wear a hat in grow space
My girls try to grab my goat!

...................NOT goatee...........goatees are little things! :rofl:

I have a goat. I could get picked outta line up with everyone wearing limo tinted helmets! :headbang::eyebrows::eyebrows:
Just had feedback on quality of some of rocbud gear from those who help me with demolition.....
I grow for myself and only use an amount that solves a particular malady so I document how any strain affects a specific symptom. One bong rip is my test and everything I grow has been effective as desired...that being said, I rarely go beyond a couple bong rips at a time so I really don't know just how potent most may be...
A good old stoner friend helps disperse my overages but I never tell him auto or photo.....recently, my overages included the autos purple scoops, magic cookies, and iced gushers along with a Roc photo Ghost Breath Mint. All were good and received well but GBM was off the hook.... it was the fire of the fire...a very worthy photo to test auto potency with.....
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The red one is definately Kira's. The other looks like a fiber of some kind. I usually see her hair if it is on a bud. Final trim will probably catch it.

Sorry, my hair gets everywhere. I'd never be able to commit a crime. My hair would give me away. In my defense that bud is so sticky it's grabbing my hair.
You need to change your avatar then
Yeah, Billy Gibbons would be a better one.................or just a pic of some old goat. LOL!
I did go to a couple Halloween parties a few years ago as him.
When I was drag racing, a lot of the time I would go to the line with some ZZTOP tune cranking hard. If I was racing in another state, I'd have La Grange cranking. It helped my concentration and sometimes it drew my opponent off his game. It helped my chop that tree!
I need more seeds like I need a hole in the head...
Any word on Roc's next drop?

Who cares if he ghosts us. He's got good genetics.