RocBud Rocbudinc Genetics

I was passed out, not feeling well when I jolted awake 20 minutes ago and remembered the Roc Drop!

I had the King Kong twice, then it sold out as I was generating the orders... Bummed but I didn’t give up!

I went back in and snagged some magic cookies and fringe and it went through with the discount. I’ll take that as a win and see if I can snag some Kong if one goes unpaid.

Been sick since Saturday night, hoping it’s bronchitis but the fever and chills come in waves. Getting a covid test tomorrow though I’ve basically been shut down since this started and don’t expect to go back to freelance work for another 6 months. Hopefully I don’t have the Rona... I have been militant about masks, gloves etc when getting groceries for the p’s. Fingers crossed, hope everyone is well.
I was passed out, not feeling well when I jolted awake 20 minutes ago and remembered the Roc Drop!

I had the King Kong twice, then it sold out as I was generating the orders... Bummed but I didn’t give up!

I went back in and snagged some magic cookies and fringe and it went through with the discount. I’ll take that as a win and see if I can snag some Kong if one goes unpaid.

Been sick since Saturday night, hoping it’s bronchitis but the fever and chills come in waves. Getting a covid test tomorrow though I’ve basically been shut down since this started and don’t expect to go back to freelance work for another 6 months. Hopefully I don’t have the Rona... I have been militant about masks, gloves etc when getting groceries for the p’s. Fingers crossed, hope everyone is well.
Yah...if you feel a lot of fatigue and tire very easily it could be the coronavirus. My buddy basically slept for 3 or 4 days b4 he got his energy back. Idk about masks etc. But sending the most positive and healing vibes I can your way as I type and as you read this. ×social distancing hug×
Baby Grape Dosi Breath..... Now on day 7 of Life and Health, living on my desk under a cheap blurple $12 grow bulb. Growth has been a tad slow as she is developing her roots, during this time I keep adding microbes to the soil....

Yah...if you feel a lot of fatigue and tire very easily it could be the coronavirus. My buddy basically slept for 3 or 4 days b4 he got his energy back. Idk about masks etc. But sending the most positive and healing vibes I can your way as I type and as you read this. ×social distancing hug×

Really appreciate it, thank you. I’m was a PJ in the military then got injured and did other work while going through nursing school... Masks and gloves when done properly definitely help. I’ve lost 14 friends and acquaintances to CV19 and two relatives. All different ages and geographical locations, I really don’t want to cause anyone any harm. It’s been a brutal year so I’ll take that socially distanced hug, your super awesome healing vibes and well well wishes! You have no idea how much I appreciate it and everyone here at AFN keeping me sane while I follow everyone’s grows! Hope that your buddy is well and recovered with not lasting problems.

Thank you!!:bighug:

PS: dropped out of nursing school with just a semester left and got into a completely different field that I love! But am so glad for all of that medical training, it’s come in handy when I work in remote locations.

Sorry for the rambles! Haha... Can’t blame the cannabis this time. Hahaha...
Really appreciate it, thank you. I’m was a PJ in the military then got injured and did other work while going through nursing school... Masks and gloves when done properly definitely help. I’ve lost 14 friends and acquaintances to CV19 and two relatives. All different ages and geographical locations, I really don’t want to cause anyone any harm. It’s been a brutal year so I’ll take that socially distanced hug, your super awesome healing vibes and well well wishes! You have no idea how much I appreciate it and everyone here at AFN keeping me sane while I follow everyone’s grows! Hope that your buddy is well and recovered with not lasting problems.

Thank you!!:bighug:

PS:Dropped out of nursing school with just a semester left and got into a completely different field that I love! But am so glad for all of that medical training, it’s come in handy when I work in remote locations.

Sorry for the rambles! Haha... Can’t blame the cannabis this time. Hahaha...
Thanks for your service! PJ is no joke.