No prob bud, I just figured I would throw it out here. So this is the second time I have seen him do this where the day of the drop he will put unpaid packs back up later that night. It’s how I have gotten both of my orders honestly. So just maybe a mental note for the next drop if you miss it, check back later that evening and I bet you will snag em. He does it without announcing it, from what I have seen. So it’s honestly a way for his loyal die hard customers to get another shot. At least for right now. Because most folks just go on and then see everything is sold out then go cry on social media how they didn’t get any(this is a joke folks) but real die hard folks like ole
@sidfinch will keep checking jussssst in case, well his diligence paid off that’s for sure. I don’t know how long this will continue to work though before “word gets out” and then folks are just hawking the page for 48 hours straight a la Mephisto.
At any rate I am stoked af as previously stated. I really think I am goin to try and make a pineapple slurri come March as I have some fire ass pineapple crack regs. Mmmmmmmm