RocBud Rocbudinc Genetics

I can tell u frozen scoops is equally as stinky! Smells up my whole bedroom! Today’s only day 56 but can tell u they also can take some abuse and keep on trucking! 1st time scrogging an auto and she didn’t mind! Even supercropped every main satellite above net and was praying again 12hrs later! Def some strong genetics going on here!:woohoo1:
View attachment 1216200View attachment 1216201View attachment 1216202 Stacking up nice and gonna have a field of chunky colas by the end! I’d say this net run was success for 1st try! Filled up pretty nicely! After they all stood back up still taking up like 2.5’x2’ with the 1 girl! Had I started earlier and lowered net who knows! :smokeit:
Nice work bro! How tall is screen?
Grrrrrrrrrrr y’all are reallllly doin it to me. Ok I am goin on Neptune right now and ordering some I gotta run this gear!!!!!!!!! I am down to either runnin the purple scoops or cookies n. Chem based on @Mizzo81 s recommendation that it is a large yeilder.

here’s mah question all I can see for flowering times is 63-70 for each strain. Is this pretty accurate? If so does the quality and frostyness of the purple scoops outshine the C and C dramatically?
It looks like the cookie n chem takes a little bit longer based on what @Mizzo81 stated. So I think I am gonna go with the purple scoops since it’s so stanky
Lol which ever one you decide will be the one. They’re all so good and unique.
Lol which ever one you decide will be the one. They’re all so good and unique.
Ah yes I believe that to be 100% the case. But due to my recent mishaps my main trait is gonna be something that can finish by the middle of October. I’m def tryin to keep it under 70. And in my setup I honestly do believe it shaves some days off due to the mixing of light and 24 hour schedule. Just an anecdotal observation at this point though.

and of course now I am going back and lookin at this thread from the start and @machamillions purple Rolex looked like EXACTLY what I want a big ole gal that finished in 66 days. Decisions decisions
Nice work bro! How tall is screen?
Think it’s 12” above top of earthbox! I need to make sure cuz can’t remember if I got measurements before or after I put 2x4s under the box! Think after but I’m blazed up! :jointman:
Ah yes I believe that to be 100% the case. But due to my recent mishaps my main trait is gonna be something that can finish by the middle of October. I’m def tryin to keep it under 70. And in my setup I honestly do believe it shaves some days off due to the mixing of light and 24 hour schedule. Just an anecdotal observation at this point though.

and of course now I am going back and lookin at this thread from the start and @machamillions purple Rolex looked like EXACTLY what I want a big ole gal that finished in 66 days. Decisions decisions
Mention that name never more as he was banned from this site for attacking mephisto in their thread!
:haha: Ok carry on.......
Ya he was in grow battles that hadn’t started yet cuz of covid and next I know his name u can see doesn’t look like others where u can click on it and on battle list he was on there as dq’d I believe! :crying: