First of all, i am truly sorry to hear that you suffer with health issues as well!
I can truly empathize with you, as my health is quite bad myself, thus the reason for my tardy response here to you.
Please don't post any pictures in here just on account of me, as it seems that there is not a lot of eyes on this thread, which is too bad, as people could learn a lot from this thread, i know i picked up a thing or two.
Too bad about the F99a beans, but great that you at least have some pollen.
F99a is a great breeding tool to add to photo strains in order to bring down flowering time for growing in the north.
Have you considered that SD3 in your SD3/F99 may be Strawberry Diesel?
Not sure where you got the seeds from, but I know most of the people who do, or have done work with F99.
Thank you SO much for the information on spider mites!
It makes sense concerning them going into diapause.
After each run, i do a through job cleaning my tents out, but I reuse my soil, so there you go.
What ratio did you use for you ISO, and what strength pure ISO to begin with?
Most of the work I do is with photos.
I don't sell my work anymore, but rather share them with other med patients like yourself. My heath really crashed last fall, so I have not been doing much as of late. Actually need to go harvest some pollen this morning from some photos.
I really encourage you to start breeding, as you can tailor your genetics to your personal liking, and or needs.
I will PM you shortly on sending you a breeders package.
What flavors and effects to you prefer?
I am sorry to hear you suffer from bad health too, mine isn't always bad but sometimes it can be. Mostly migraine issues but it used to be a lot worse. I just get a lot more done on the good days, and ride out the bad. I hope that you find peace in your life as well from whatever plagues you
Thank you again for the kind words, I like to pass on what I can knowledge wise, and I do understand we are on an auto site so the photo stuff is not as relevant to all. I really appreciate those that drop by, and I have no issues updating the thread as it is nice for me to look back at some documentation as well.
Spider mites lay eggs under the leaves, but it would be easy to knock them off into the soil, and the buggers would also happily find their way in there to take a nice long nap. I have 99% ISO and dilute it down to about 60%-70% (or even 3:1) water to ISO. Test it first, but the plants seem to actually love it, leaves the leaves very shiny and super green. Probably just cleans everything off, lol. If you look through a scope you can see the little shits melting, I love it. Then if you want to introduce beneficials, there is no residue at all. This would kill anything on the plants, so it is great for that if there is anything else going on like thrips, aphids etc.
I never thought about Strawberry Diesel, but I really thought there were some similarities to StarDawg for the SD3 (extremely long petioles that were red) but the friend I got the seeds from said they were too old to have been that strain. It is interesting none the less, but I no longer have those genetics. I wish I had gotten a male for the lot, but the seeds were old and I only grew out the one female. It started my love of sativa dominate genetics tho as I was afraid to try them in a tent for the longest time and now I love growing them. My friend can't remember where he got the seeds from either, he said they were sent from a breeder whose friend had them, as an apology for a messed up order. 2015, in Canada, I think Ontario maybe? It was the same with the auto Fire 99's (older seeds, he bought a lot of seeds and never started growing until now), the one he got to germ was a male and so was mine. But the current male I have now looks more promising than the last one; I think he may be producing some trichomes so I will use his pollen instead if that is the case.
I definitely want to start breeding, I have downloaded some good books on the science behind it all and I love that kind of thing. Your offer is more than generous, and I would be happy to repay you in kind at some point. Or pass on anything I have at some point, I have one friend who has always wanted to try and create something, he is the one that had the auto Fire 99 and the SD3 seeds. He just started growing this year, and won't be getting into anything until next.
I am all over the map for flavors, and effects as well. I like CBD for insomnia and anxiety, but also something uplifting for depression and energy, something sedating for sleeping as well and just to mellow me out. I like hybrids, and fruity types, interesting colors and I love land race genetics. I guess at this time I'm so new to anything tailored to my needs that I'm open to a lot of things, until I actually get experience and can say "this is what I want and need". I really like your idea of the F99a to speed things up, it is a great strain to start breeding from too.
I would love to pick your brain more about the breeding, man I wish I could just sit down with so many people off here and just chat :smoking:
Your plants are loving life. Great job I didn't read the whole thread but I did have a look see.
It's a long thread and I "talk" a lot, you should see me in person with any of my horticulture buddies, hours of this stuff. It would bore any non-plant people into tears

. Entomology and botany are my favorite topics, but I can get going on anything. One good friend, we were "arguing" (OK more debating) about/in Latin/binomial nomenclature about a certain cultivar of shrub, man we got some weird looks from people passing by

. I think I'll text him later and remind him, so we can "debate" what we were even disagreeing about in the first place :smoking: