Indoor Rifleman's Roost, an Autoflower Deep Water Culture Experience !!!

Looks like I haven't dropped a photo here since the 7th. Time for an update. :thumbsup:

These are my F1 Sweet & Sour Devil's Crack, and some new beans from Short Stuff Seeds the Auto Jedi Kush.

DC1 is 24"

DC2 is 24.75"

JK1 is 14.25"

JK2 is 16.25"

A fat fan leaf from JK2.
Looks like I haven't dropped a photo here since the 7th. Time for an update. :thumbsup:

These are my F1 Sweet & Sour Devil's Crack, and some new beans from Short Stuff Seeds the Auto Jedi Kush.

DC1 is 24"
View attachment 715972

DC2 is 24.75"
View attachment 715973

JK1 is 14.25"
View attachment 715974

JK2 is 16.25"
View attachment 715975

A fat fan leaf from JK2.
View attachment 715976
:bow:I swear you just have DWC so dialed in :slap:and I've been there, done that, it's not as easy as you make it look. Or could it have been? I ain't looking back,:crying:, these autopots will allow me to grow year round. Use to hate running DWC in the summertime. Anyone need a case of blue freezer packs? :rofl:
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DD1 and DD2 were harvested today. I'll get a couple of photos up later but the wet weights were:

DD2...988g <~~farkin monster she be

So knowing you, 150 and 200 dry? Not a bad days work.
I wrote 130 and 180 in my notebook. :haha: I'll know Sunday night I hope. :woohoo1:

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I use twenty percent but I rounded up for you. :bighug:

Beautiful girls there, will see next month how I fare with the Dark Devils. Should be dropping those beans around the 8th in coco, autopots, and using BioTabs. Should be my laziest grow to date :crying:and I will be journaling it right here. Nice to have all your data for comparison.
Final weights from the Dark Devil S1 grow are in.

DD1 142g 98 days
DD2 186g 98 days
DD3 126g 84 days
DD4 101g 84 days

Total 555g dry in 98 days total. The slower blooming pheno is the larger producer, and for this grow at least the mgb only plants out preformed the ones that got all the additives. :shrug:
