I have high hopes for this strain, she is performing well so far. Shown sex around day 18-19. I had a word with the good folks over at Cannabiogen, and they said to go easy with N for the first few weeks, then she gets N hungry mid stretch period. They also said that their last run of these seeds, around one in ten had pink pistils, and purple flowersgaaahhh, it was youuuu that I forgot was growing the CBG auto!
.... oh man, I am seriously keen on seeing how she turns out for quality, aromatics, speed, etc.,... I have been drooling over Destroyer/Desfran (DP's version, maybe faster than original D'?) for 2 years, but held off on trying because I'm unsure if I could get her to finish in time outside,... Hecno has a couple crosses going outside now, and they look juicy!

I'm gonna have a gander at Hencos house, I'd love to see what he does with a Destroyer