Indoor Ribbz on Rotation

Was wondering about the cookies one mate. Sounds interesting. Whats the parentage?

I have 5 x DiscoBicuits on the go which are Cookies x UGORG [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]. I like cookies :drool:
well the cookies go like this forum stomper ( forum cookies x sour stomper ) and a new limited strain forgotton cookies ( forum stomper x fugue state ) the fuge state is a AMESIA so they sound like good stuff to me forum stomper particularly in my opinion do like some indica also the strawberry nuggets intrests me if they color up good
well the cookies go like this forum stomper ( forum cookies x sour stomper ) and a new limited strain forgotton cookies ( forum stomper x fugue state ) the fuge state is a AMESIA so they sound like good stuff to me forum stomper particularly in my opinion do like some indica also the strawberry nuggets intrests me if they color up good

Forum Stomper sounds and looks awesome mate! Just had a peek. Very nice strain.
Greetings I've brought a little Heisenberg on my ski trip, and I can certainy vouch for it's medicinal qualities.
I neary broke my fucking back earlier, wiping out. A few joints of her, and the pain has magically dissapeared , a little efterski has helped too
peace out people

I found a babysitter for the plants, I'll see how much they've listened to my DETAILED instructions, in a weeks time
I'm off to injure myself, wish me luck
3 Bears OG, day 73. My stand in gardener was a little heavy with the water, I won't need to water for a few days, lets put it that way. I've got a fan on her, just incase of mould. She absolutely stinks too. Heavy fuel smell, slighty sweet.