Take a look at the root system that the Dip had... I just split open the bag...
Photo Aug 28, 1 03 44 AM.jpg

EDIT UPDATE: Now that I've time to examine this, I've come to realize that where you see the most visible root mass is where I 'drip aerated' and poked holes. It's a perfect match. Everywhere there was a hole is where the roots are most visible, dark where there were no holes. The largest mass is at the bottom where the air hose was located... My 'drip air-igation' experiments continue and the results continue to be notable. RS​
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ESO, ha ha.
"Hey dude, what kind of smoke was that...I can't stand up"
Oh, that was Esso, it is Spanish for... Don't Make Any Plans.

So what is next for crazy competitions? How about growing in a sock?
It might help with air pruning.

Well, right now I'm growing a back-up plant in a cheesecloth sack for a sex unknown grow I'm doing in another forum... If one of the primaries sexes to male, out it goes and in goes the 'cheese ball'... lol really!
Wow That boogie brew is some amazing stuff. All that out of a 6 oz chip bag. A weed Master.
:worship: :bow: :drool: :slap:


Many humble thanks for the compliments... I'm glad I made the leap to compost tea... so much more simple... What can I say about the Dip... I really babied the hell out it... Whilest I neglected everything else! lol :p
Now that the Hubbabubbasmelloscope is jarred up and curing I finally got a chance to sit down and have a decent WAB with coffee this morning...

I copped a bag of Bubblegum about two years ago and it was one of the strains that's always stuck out in my mind. So when I went to grow autoflowers this was one of the strains I tried but from a different source/genetic line... It got real tall and netted a lot of MEH weed... disappointing for sure! So when I found Mephisto I had to try this in hopes to re-capture that buzz I remembered...

Well in so many ways Mephisto delivered! This is a kick ass Bubblegum variant that has everything I remember about the Bubblegum buzz. I smoked a nice big doobie and as it disappeared I gradually slipped into a roller coaster ride of fantasy, daydreaming and pondering... deep... It also has ZAPPED my nagging back ache and my sciatica has subsided... It's really mello'ing and at time giggly... Then after I snapped out of it 2 hours later (or so it seemed), I got up and started puttering around...

What a great start to and even better day! It's nice to be able to recapture the past and HBSS does it for me... This will be a staple in my stable... RS
Nice feedback there mr saroni, you should have a nice amount to enjoy too!

So far I'll net about 11 oz dry between the two... Then there is Twotwo... who will put the yield in the 1 pound plus range... Twotwo was two weeks behind developmentally by the time she came into full flower so she'll be ready to harvest by next Friday the 7th of September...

One last is that if I need to sleep, this seems to help... two big joints and I'm good for a real nice restful siesta... It's my noontime favorite!
Well in so many ways Mephisto delivered! This is a kick ass Bubblegum variant that has everything I remember about the Bubblegum buzz. I smoked a nice big doobie and as it disappeared I gradually slipped into a roller coaster ride of fantasy, daydreaming and pondering... deep... It also has ZAPPED my nagging back ache and my sciatica has subsided... It's really mello'ing and at time giggly... Then after I snapped out of it 2 hours later (or so it seemed), I got up and started puttering around...

Thanks for the early smoke report. I am counting the days until my bubblegum flavored harvest.
Hey, how was the smell, did it remind you of a room full of kids chewing big wads of bubblegum?
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Friday night porn!

Auto Triangle Kush - 37 days
Gooiest Mephisto strain I've grown...
Photo Aug 28, 9 47 30 PM.jpg

Harvest September 17th - 65 days on the button... the only way I like my kush... real young! RS

This is the second time I've grown these...​