New Grower Rhyce Saroni grows... 1 Lemon Haze, 2 White LSDs

This is the growing schedule and products that I'll be using for this grow. Also adding Bud Candy per astronomy420a for the later flowering phase.

Organic Feeding Program for Auto-Flowering Plants

Hey guys, see so many people looking for info on feeding programs for soil based Auto-Flowering grows and they always have a hard time getting a simple answer. Here is a very simple and easy way to get the accelerated growth you are looking for with the added bonus of being Organic resulting in excellent tastes and quality in your smoke. This method has been used for a long time with superior results with soil based AF grows. It can be used in the smallest garden to the largest. Hopefully it will help people get rid of the confusion about Organic Ferts and get them going.

Auto-Flowering Organic Feeding Program, AF-OFP.

Word of Warning, this process uses FISH EMULSION! It is kinda smelly but nothing bad, kinda sweet pungent smell, but it only lasts 24hrs or so after each feeding then goes away. If you can handle it your plants will love you for it!!!

The process is very simple, it can be used with any well drained soil or soil-less (peat-coco) mixes, here are the base lines for feeding and its schedule, along with a few different examples of what media to use.

MaxiCrop Liquid Fish-
This is your main nitrogen N ingredient, it also contains a lot of micro nutrients and other good stuff. It is a fast release fertilizer and is perfect to be used in a feeding program with cannabis as they are hungry plant fast growing plants.

Earth Juice Bloom-
Roots Organics Bloom-
This is your main Phosphorus P and Potassium K ingredient, used to grow healthy large flowers, only use this during early onset of bloom til harvest

Earth Juice Catalyst
Roots Organics Trinity-
This additive encourages compact branching, stimulates optimal bud sites, and triggers early yields. Conditions soils for better nutrient availability. This is very helpful in keeping your root zone healthy allowing plants to uptake nutrients easier which increases growth rates.

Super Thrive-
This little bottle contains an amazing amount if good stuff that plants love, vitamins, hormones etc... using it increases overall health which increases growth allowing the plants to reach their full potential.

Optional Bloom Boosters*
Roots Organics HP or HPK

This can be used to boost flower production... ONLY USE IF YOUR PLANTS CAN HANDLE IT!!! They are hot in terms of nutrients and can burn your plants if not careful. Test on 1 plant before adding to the rest to be sure it doesn't burn them.

Auto-Flowering Feeding Chart
This chart explains when to start feeding and when to stop and at what values. Mix nutrients according to feeding chart for every 1 US Gallon of water. MIX WELL. It is recommending to aerate the solution with an air stone for 2 or more hours before application and during application. Also stir again right before application. Alternate between Watering and Feeding - if you water, then feed the next time, then water, then feed, and so on. AF-OFP uses a lot of water, as it is imperative to water Or feed each plant enough to soak the soil completely and get a good amount of run off. Use some common sense and don't try to drowned them. Don't let this RUN OFF sit around!!! It is Organic and will ROT !!! It is recommended to use a drain table or similar to water and feed your plants, dispose of run off immediately!


This chart is intended as a general guideline for an average 9 Week Auto-Flowering strain, just shorten or extend it as required by the length of time your Auto-Flowering strain requires. These values will cover most needs, tho every variety is different and may require a bit of fine tuning. Feel free to experiment with the values with your varieties to maximize growth.

Growing Media-
A lot of people claim they don't need to feed while the plants are just starting out and in seedling stage... in most cases your plants will benefit from this feeding program if you follow it completely. You are supposed to run your plants with a perfect balance of food, a balance between an abundant amount and almost to much, not on the brink of starvation! Just because your soil has some food in it and the young plants don't show signs of stress, it doesn't mean they couldn't be doing better with just a little fast release food to maximize growth. The key is to know your soil and whats in it.

Here are some example of commercial soil mixes and their requirements with the Auto-Flowering Organic Feeding Program, AF-OFP.

Fox Farm Ocean Forest Organic Potting Mix-
This stuff is some of the best potting soil ever! Perfect right out of the bag, no need to add anything to it, it has a little bit of food in it but most of it is slow release and won't help your young plants very much in the beginning. Recommend start the AF-OFP on schedule, First feeding at day 3-4 from sprouting

Happy Frog Potting Soil-
This stuff is a bit cheaper then FFOF but made by the same company, it doesn't contain as much food and some of the other stuff FFOF does. It can be a little heavy at times, recommend mixing 3-4 gallons of perlite per 2cu ft bag of Happy Frog. Start AF-OFP on schedule, First Feeding at day 3-4 from sprouting.

Roots Organics Original Potting Mix-
Another great product, can be a little heavy, recommend mixing 1.5 gallons of perlite per 1.5cu ft bag. Start AF-OFP on schedule, First Feeding at Day 3-4 from sprouting.

Feel free to use the AF-OFP in other media products, research and find the best Organic Mix to use for best results.
If you can't find it then make your own mix,
A simple Home Made Potting Mix Recipe.
4 Parts Peat Moss
2 Parts Perlite
1 1/2 Part Course Ripe Compost
1/4-1/2 Part Worm Castings
Add enough water to make soil mix moist, NOT WET!!!
Check pH and add Lime accordingly, to reach a pH of 6 to 6.5
Let sit 10 days before use turning every 2-3 days.
This mix can be a little hot at times, Start AF-OFP on schedule, First Feeding at Day 3-4 from sprout but test it on 1 plant, if burning occurs within 12-24 hours wait 1-2 weeks before beginning AF-OFP.
Electric ladyland...

Given the plant strains LSD and Haze, I figured I'd call this collection of ladies Electric Ladyland and each one after a tab of acid I've done.

Lucy (in the sky with diamonds)...
2-14-2015 Auto Berry - WLsD-LhAZE 35-6 005.jpg
Alice (in wonderland)...
2-14-2015 Auto Berry - WLsD-LhAZE 35-6 004.jpg
Dot (micro)...
2-14-2015 Auto Berry - WLsD-LhAZE 35-6 003.jpg

Lucy and Alice doing great... Jury is out on Dot...

Four seeds germinated in paper towels... One a little too much (really fresh I guess)... Killed it... Two and three fine... Four... Lame'ing out on me..

I think it's the Lemon Haze aka Dot. In my vlog I talk about culling her. I really don't want to f*ck around with any lamers this time. So I've decided what I'm-a-gonna do. After posting this, I'm heading to the frig'y and pulling out two of the freshest looking seeds I can find and pop 1 (Bubblegum) directly into pot 4 which is full and ready to go and the other, strain unknown, right smack dab next to old Dot and see who wins. The new seed or freakin' Dot... Can you tell I'm not too psyched about Dot?

Right now, I'm juiced about the two White LSD's they are doing fine at day 6!



PS - Off I go to the refrige...:devil:
Throwing some BUBBLE GUM into the mix!

Well I did it. I dropped a couple of BG beans into the soil @ 2am today. I'm not thrilled with Dot (lemon haze) and decided to do a sink or swim approach to culling. I dropped a big fat Bubble Gum bean right next to her. Which ever one looks the best in a few days wins. I planted the other Bubble Gum in the fourth fabric pot which had soil in it.

Lucy and Alice the two White LSDs are truckin'...:Growing:

I'll update with pics when there's something to show. Meanwhile, I mention this stuff and show stuff on my first thread while the Berry's and Mango are still going.

[h=1]Auto Berry Feminized first auto indoor grow for an old gardner...[/h]
you are a child of the sixty's:RU Stoned..?:micro dot, lsd,alice.:Woozy..?:i was 15, when some member's of my gang in Dorchester brought a batch of tim's own concoction back to Dorchester that I sampled. then went to a carnival. oh what fun!:Cheers: had one of those animal trip's where everyone turned into an animal.:crying: baby's look healthy, a word of warning about ffof , it can be to hot for auto's, and a lot of member's, that use it have said that it is inconsistent with it's level of nutrient's. many thread's here about it.:Sharing One:
you are a child of the sixty's:RU Stoned..?:micro dot, lsd,alice.:Woozy..?:i was 15, when some member's of my gang in Dorchester brought a batch of tim's own concoction back to Dorchester that I sampled. then went to a carnival. oh what fun!:Cheers: had one of those animal trip's where everyone turned into an animal.:crying: baby's look healthy, a word of warning about ffof , it can be to hot for auto's, and a lot of member's, that use it have said that it is inconsistent with it's level of nutrient's. many thread's here about it.:Sharing One:

Astro man, you're from Dot? My Dot days were in the 90's and 00's... Place isn't the same as it was way back when. Savin Hill, Dot Ave, Andrew Square, Columbia...

I know about old Timmy too. I had friends who lived in Newton right next door to Dr. Leary. I don't know if I ever got from his connection, but I hung around this British antiques dealer's shop in Newton Upper Falls and he would give us 16, 17 yo's free acid if we'd try new stuff out. Like a corner of blotter that was from a freshly made sheet, or some new kind of window pane... Woah!!! Black Sabbath, "I'm going through changes"... I'll take that one to the grave... Watched a f'ing clock for hours wondering if this is the new normal, with Black Sabbath and The Flintstones droning on in the background. What a TRIP man...!!! :Woozy..?:

Phew, I digress. Thanks for the tip about Fox Farm. Even the folks at the store told me to steer away from FFHF. I am using Roots Light soil for this grow.

These days, ole' Rhyce ain't doing nuthin' anymore except hanging with my Lady Jane, Mary Jane that is... Aging gracefully :Smoke no Evil:

Have a wicked pissah day Astro!

I was a teenage gangster in Dorchester in the sixty's:howdy: left Dorchester in 69. for Berkeley and sf:Sharing One:
I was a teenage gangster in Dorchester in the sixty's:howdy: left Dorchester in 69. for Berkeley and sf:Sharing One:

A gangstah huh? I have friends from Southie and Dot and I've been in dems hoods. It's changed soooo much, two thirds of Southie and Dot are all new construction, lofts or renovations.

I'm sure you love being in SF area. It's my most favorite and familiar city in the state with Sac a close second. I used to love driving over to Sausalito to eat lunch at the Spinnaker. It's practically in the middle of the harbor and has the best view of SF. I spent a few winters there in the late 80s/early 90s. Friggin loved the place!!! Still do.:hug:
Great song man, got good taste in music! Ladies are looking great, i woulda done the same and popped a new beans.. grew a few bubblegums by Female Seeds.. delicious smoke!
The 'acid' grow continues... Day 9...

Number 9... Number 9... Number 9... Number 9... Number 9...

Trippin' out in Electric Ladyland... I give a demo of my newly adopted, anal retentive, precise watering method. Stoner moments included! :Hookah:

And now for something completely different!

Catch you on the flip side..
