New Grower Rhyce Saroni grows... 1 Lemon Haze, 2 White LSDs

all baby's look purty:d5: bless there little green sock's:kusht:sausalito was one of the place's I stayed for a short while, love the house boat's :cool:are they still there?

you must have been up the top of mt tamapias what a view:jaw: you could see all the way to san hose.

one of my best friend's , from southie lives on an island not to far from me. before Dorchester I lived in the north end. I am Sicilian. so I had my intro to the life,:ama: at a very early age. that all changed when I went west :Sharing One:also hung out with some townie's, that are close friend's to this day.:thumbs:
all baby's look purty:d5: bless there little green sock's:kusht:sausalito was one of the place's I stayed for a short while, love the house boat's :cool:are they still there?

you must have been up the top of mt tamapias what a view:jaw: you could see all the way to san hose.

one of my best friend's , from southie lives on an island not to far from me. before Dorchester I lived in the north end. I am Sicilian. so I had my intro to the life,:ama: at a very early age. that all changed when I went west :Sharing One:also hung out with some townie's, that are close friend's to this day.:thumbs:

Regarding Sausalito, not sure about the house boats... I'd tend to think they are sill there but then again, Key West banned their house boat community back in the 90's. I love house boats. WTF??????

Sicilian huh? I used to hang there in the 90's, one of my better halfs grew up across from one of the Anjulo brothers who lived in Medford. What a bunch of guys! Stories I could tell about the goings on at the wharf and on Prince St... Nothing gang related per se... I was just the nice kid from the burbs who everybody seemed to like. Thank God!

Those days are so far behind. Even after all my years gypsy hopping from city to city, I've still got connections in the Boston area from forty years ago... Maybe that's why I keep coming back.:dunno:

BTW - I LOVE Maine!!! Spent a lot of time in Main over the many years. Can't get there from here... Wake and bake time..:Sharing One:

2 New BubbleGums have come into this world... The joint's jumpin, grow's growin!!

Well I hadn't really planned it this way but the two bubblegum beans I sowed directly into the soil both came up at the same time today. One I kept checking on and scraping dirt away, even went so far as to pick it out of the soil (delicately) and re-home the tap root. The other, just sat next to the now growing Lemon Haze and popped up and said "Hello World" today.

So much for being patient. Fortunately in the future, I'll know how long I should expect to wait for a seed sown directly into the soil to jump up. I plan on doing it for my next batch, Mephisto Toof Decay... BTW it took four (4) days EXACTLY. It seemed a lot longer for some reason.....:Hookah:

Supposedly sowing directly into the final container and germinating directly into the soil takes the whole, never transplant thing to another level of perfection. I can tell you one thing, the one that I didn't mess with has the most brilliant green leaves and short thick stiff stem I've seen of all the seeds I've germinated thus far. I have a good feeling about this.

I'm going to call the one I messed with Chew and the one that came up all by itself, Blow... Get it, Chew Bubblegum, Blow Bubblegum... Well, I thought it was funny. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

I was real stoned when I woke these guys up and forgot to snap any photos but here is a video, including the two new Bubblegums and a few good stoner moments...

Insane in the membrane...:smoke:

This sprayer takes precision moisture and nutrient application to a new level!!!

I bought this thing a number of months ago to deal with a particular issue I was having with grass growing in my wild-flower meadow. It worked great for the job but I've not used it since.
2-19-2015 Auto Berry - wLSD - LhaZe - Bgum noontime 017.jpg

The other day, when setting up my veg room and dealing with my new bunch of little baby girls. I wanted an approach to watering that was as precise and controlled as possible. In the first attempt with my Berrys and Mango, I'd been pouring on nutes and dripping water.
:Grow & Show..:I had issues with both. Pouring on the nutes was messy and hard to control. Dripping was complicated and would only be really useful for a mature plant that had a healthy appetite for h2o or if I was going to be away for a few days.

I wanted what the sprayer gave me. :gamer: Precision water and nutrient application. This pump sprayer is the best thing since sliced bread. Precise and accurate. I now know how much water or nutrition I've given each plant and am able to control the soil moisture down to a macro level. This is the nads and definitely a gadget I'd encourage any soil grower to add to their bag of tricks. It's great for general watering and soil nute'ing and awesome for foliar application if necessary or desired.

It has units of measure, spray adjustment, trigger and lock and uses air pressure making it a breeze to handle and a joy to use. I'm now able to control my soil moisture, to the degree I'm able to control the rest of my growing parameters. Far out!!!

It's worth its weight in gold and it only cost me eleven dollars and change!

Here is an example of how the precision control is enabling me to accurately moisturize the soil in the middle of the pot whilst I nurture along this precious Bubblegum seedling aka Chew (4days).
2-19-2015 Auto Berry - wLSD - LhaZe - Bgum noontime 018.jpg

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Lucy, Alice, Dot @ 11 days - Chew & Blow @ 4 days

Lucy (White LSD)
2-20-2015 Berry - wLsD - LhaZe - bGum midnight 010.jpg

Alice (White LSD)
2-20-2015 Berry - wLsD - LhaZe - bGum midnight 011.jpg

Dot (Lemon Haze)
2-20-2015 Berry - wLsD - LhaZe - bGum midnight 012.jpg

Chew (Bubble Gum)
2-20-2015 Berry - wLsD - LhaZe - bGum midnight 014.jpg

Blow (Bubble Gum)
2-20-2015 Berry - wLsD - LhaZe - bGum midnight 013.jpg

RS :smoke:
you are a child of the sixty's:RU Stoned..?:micro dot, lsd,alice.:Woozy..?:i was 15, when some member's of my gang in Dorchester brought a batch of tim's own concoction back to Dorchester that I sampled. then went to a carnival. oh what fun!:Cheers: had one of those animal trip's where everyone turned into an animal.:crying: baby's look healthy, a word of warning about ffof , it can be to hot for auto's, and a lot of member's, that use it have said that it is inconsistent with it's level of nutrient's. many thread's here about it.:Sharing One:

I didn't reach my teens until the 70's, but I sure do remember doing the sponge walk and grinning from ear to ear ... good times ... good trips!!! :peace:
Quick update... The babies are truckin' along... Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is CRANKING... Here she is at 14 days from seed.
2-23-2015 In the 003.jpg2-23-2015 In the 005.jpg

I have a good feeling about this gal... She may be my tent filler. I've seen a White LSD fill a tent before... :smoke:
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Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds and her sisters Day 17 from seed

Woah! Lucy was a cranker out of the gate. Check her out at 17 days from seed or 13 since showing her cotyledon and first true leaves. The other LSD (Alice in Wonderland) and Lemon Haze (Dot) are close behind. But LUCY! Man this girl is going to be an Amazon it think. This is what I'm hoping for anyway. Lucy is 5" tall and just about covers the diameter of the 15L/3gal fabric pot. You can count on one thing, this girl is daddy's favorite (now)... All getting nutes of Fish Emulsion(1/2tsp-liter and CaMg(1.5ml-liter), 6.5 water bubbled water applied to the outer ring of soil with a pump sprayer (mist/sprinkle).

Without further adieu...

Group Shot
2-27-2015 Veg Room 9pm 008.jpg

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (White LSD)
2-27-2015 Veg Room 9pm 013.jpg2-27-2015 Veg Room 9pm 015.jpg

Alice in Wonderland (White LSD)
2-27-2015 Veg Room 9pm 006.jpg

Micro Dot (Lemon Haze)
2-27-2015 Veg Room 9pm 007.jpg

RS :smoke:


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