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I agree but unfortunately right now in my "temporary" place I cannot have pets, so it will have to wait. My other dog Lola I left with my kids I didn't have the heart to take their puppy from them. Recently split up and wasn't going to argue with my ex over silly things. As much as the dog was my therapy she's the world to my 3 girls and thy're the world to me so they kept lola......

Don't mind the mess but only pic I could find of her on this HD.......

Former head of grow room security

View attachment 743564
ah, assuming the position, hope your pet world gets sorted soon
cheers grobro
Quick in and out- Weed does taste better when organic 100% i wouldnt go back to mineral stuff, got still some non organic stuff in the basement to catch dust...

You got my vote first no till harvest was all it took. And my organic plants have been just as big if not bigger than any DWC I have done........only thing that has come close yield wise was when I did coco but the taste with coco doesn't compare either.
Quick in and out- Weed does taste better when organic 100% i wouldnt go back to mineral stuff, got still some non organic stuff in the basement to catch dust...

You got my vote first no till harvest was all it took. And my organic plants have been just as big if not bigger than any DWC I have done........only thing that has come close yield wise was when I did coco but the taste with coco doesn't compare either.

You guys got me so excited for harvest nothing tickles a fat boys stomach more than fruity tasting buds

Me and witchy are doing a cherry auto bomb grow battle....perhaps a 3 way beatdown? I am running mine outdoors so who knows what will happen!! Hoping june is a warm one! What say you @witchyhour ? 3 way battle? (of course depending if icewater is into it)
All do indoor coco hempy , you got promix outdoor and witchy will be bubbling her dwc I'm sure ! Very cool idea :d5:. Triple cherry grow down winner gets a 5$ expired coupon for Staples lol
could turn into some real sorcerer's apprentice stuff

The split and my illness got me to try growing. This month is my one year anniversary growing, I cannot say that upsets me. Just not where I planned on being right now you know, had my career set and was going well about to be promoted back in school family ok (least I thought so LOL) and boom! Surprise.

But hey I also know a lot of folks have it worse off. I just get a kick off the docs when they hear the story all ask if I'm ok or want to hurt myself no I don't but thanks for asking and making me feel better LOL :pighug:
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