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these guys ain't on me deck, in "my" chair
mosquitoes are a force!, then gnats. Not to much of a prob for me, old tough used to them. Seem life threatening to uninitiated. Cabin site was planned for breezes, wind genny and bug reduction. Have to stay clear of willow thickets during peak bug time
Many moons ago I traveled to a place called Mosquito Bay to do some bass fishing . I would not go outside after sunset that's how bad it was but their was an man of 80 some years called us pansies and would fish till dark and never get bitten . .
Willing to try anything i watched a few tincture vids last night thats deffo in the works and cheers frank
Opened up the tote to a fresh earthy smell and we got some action going on..Few more days and I'll dump it out, add a little more perlite,mix it up and then back to the tote.

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