I have a light, but it only has red(mostly) and blue light, and I'm currently only using the sun because I was afraid that the led would be too bright. This is the plant with the stretching issues, it popped up 3 days ago
It looks just fine to me. At 3 days, they all look long and skinny, haha!
Sun is good, red/blue LED is also good.
Just make sure it's not too hot for them, i.e. nothing over maybe 25 C = 77 F.
With these little seedlings, apart from heat, another important issue is moisture / humidity.
They want to be a little moist, coz if the roots dry up they'll die.
But... if they get too moist and it's cooler, then they may get "damping off", which is when the stem flops over.
You're doing great!
You can check out some threads here for basic info: