just reminiss er reminsikin erm remynissin, bugger, I was just thinking back to the last "Speak Like A Pirate Day"....arrrrgh
And wondered if we should have another Pirate day me hearties. We could splice the mainbrace whatever that is and break out some rations of Rum etc etc
All those up for another Pirate Party say AYE AYE Captain Penguin. In agreeing to the said party, I will need some new ideas for nautical themes/competitions and prizes. As you may now be aware, seeds for the time being are not on the table as prizes. We had a blast last time we did this. But I don't just want to repeat it. If we do it, it must be bigger, better, more stupendous and more Plank Walking than ever before.
Go get your thinking caps on, and if you have a moment of clarity between joints, do try and come up with some original ideas. Or at least steal some darn good ones. I want this Party to be all ship shape and Bristol fashion. Over to you me shipmates.....arrrrgh.......Cap'n eP.