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The great lakes can be the most dangerous waters to travel with lake Superior being the worst when it comes to storms. In the 1950s Toronto had a hurricane called Hurricane Hazel that came off of lake Ontario it killed a lot of people the great lake are not to taken lightly there is well over ten thousand shipwrecks in them. They get winds coming from different directions unlike the Atlantic or the pacific Oceans where you usually get swells traveling just in one direction

Hell yes...superior is a nightmare...Huron is nothing to mess with either!! With all the dark coloured rock in huron its land mine central. :D
I am just south enough we have a ton of bass small an large mouth. We do not have the biggest bass in the world but we have lots to catch and they put up a great fight
I am just south enough we have a ton of bass small an large mouth. We do not have the biggest bass in the world but we have lots to catch and they put up a great fight

Yeah same here...we have a mixed fishery...some/most small lakes have largemouth and smallmouth. Lots of fish and some solid sizes too in the right places!! Smaller lakes seem to produce smaller fish, though there is exceptions. And we have the multispecies thing going too which is awesome(like 15 different species of gamefish accessible). Love living where i do.
Hey every body!
Y'all used, heard, seen this product before?

I just swapped 3 grams of bud for this 1lt bottle


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I'm closer to the Cumberland River, (approx 30 miles), Tennessee River, (60 miles), but I do my best cat fishing on the Green River, (40 miles). Come to think of it, I'm kind of surrounded by rivers, but none as big as the Ohio. I believe the Ohio is larger than the Mississippi where they merge. At least it looked that way too me! I guess it depends on rainfall upstream. BTW Pass it around .... :smokeout:

I grew up on the Hudson River... Now the Ohio, Little Kanawha, Muskingum, Little Hocking, Hocking, Shade lol forget about creeks.. The list would be as long as the Mississippi :rofl: I love rivers..

There isn't one body of water around me, not even a creek. F*ckin Blows

That's fucking tragic! :yoinks:

Fish on!! Oh speaking of which i came across a pic of our small cats up here in the north
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Nice!!! I love catfish! Pure muscle. And boy do they get BIG. I love River Monsters! That Goonch is something else... Welsh... Catfish are amazing creatures..
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