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Now you see my problem.....................This is me without the spotted hanky....................not a pretty sight............I will have to change back soon......don't want to scare the young ones............eP.
Now you look like a dude who would eat penguin raw
I'm glad you guys are talking about this shit! I haven't said anything about it all day....but I've had this inner "murmur" ever since I started having issue with my PTSD 5 years ago.....I always just chalked it up to the fact I was bat shit crazy! (although as I write that, it dawns on is probably still the case! :rofl: Whats that say about all of you?:rofl:)

Seriously though....this took a freaking load off my shoulders!:d5:

**and my music always playing is generally reggae...quiets the inner demon, so to speak!
That is so f'n great!!
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