That is very true, my friend!!!!!Little dog syndrome. Mine has it a little, but not too bad. Was just reading up on it the other day. Little dogs can be a lot more aggressive, bark more, etc..etc.. because people let them get away with it because in a little dog it's "cute". To a dog, they're a dog. They aren't small, big, medium, etc... But...if a German Shepherd charged the front door barking it's head off every time the door bell rang the same way say that say a yorkie does, then the people would not let it stand the way they do with a small dog. If a full sized pit bull was laying in your lap and growled at someone coming close, you wouldn't let it stand. But when a shih Tzu does it people think it's cute. Interesting stuff when you start thinking about it and how we raise and treat little dogs different than big ones then folks expect them to behave the same in social situations. :smoking: