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Okay what i need to know is.. Who has weeks of 24/7 days to spend having fun,cracking jokes,posting innappropriate stuff and generally just getting high... If you can post 70 times in 60 minutes, we need you
i do mon-thursday and im getting paid off in a month so i can see that being a possible outcome anyway lol. at least for a while till i retrain for something else : )
You can be Justin if you want
our new stage setup
rip that childproof thingy off that 3rd..........lmao
Damnit. You caught me again.
@sreglof23 is clearly one of my safety supervisors lol. Good catch again safety 3rd.
What's a autowarrior, and what do they do?

See that AW looking thing on the right side?

AutoWarriors are your friends, maybe family... We do the interviews on site.. contact vendors and try to get more interviews.. we are essentially traffic control, a welcome mat and instant line of communication for interviewee's.. @arty zan had a whole write up about what an AW was or is but I can't find it..
It looks like the stars( see what i did there) are aligning!!
You know I can't stay away too long. I miss you guys too much. On a more serious note I've been attending a lot of doctor appointments to see my husband's specialists with him. We will be going in on June 7th to schedule surgery to remove 2 masses then they will do a biopsy of it and tell us the type of cancer he has and how bad it is. Best case scenario they remove it all and we have no worries.
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