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Good Morning Frank
Whats on the agenda today .
Shit day here today cold and windy again . A stay at home day for me . :thumbsup:
Rest and medicate
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The dreams ....i remember that from quitting for initial offshore medical .......vivd as fck....... and even after ten yrs when i was on a 3 weeker i could guarantee to start having fckd up dreams towards the end ,but i do miss that feeling of knowing u have been released for 3 weeks and getting that first doob on the way home

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mate it nearly broke me last time. i was fine during the day. honestly never bothered me unless i was drunk. had about 6 weeks of smackhead style sweating all through the night and crazy bad nightmares for maybe 4 months though, untill i thought fuck this and started again. i dont really smoke at weekends due to random swab testing so i get that happy feeling all the time. : ) for somone thats smoked for 15 years ive got a fantastically low tolerance. 2 or 3 joints a night of pollen and im half checkt ! its awesome :woody:
Lol pepe I can't wait she smells absolutely awesome she's bulking up nicely I'm let her run at least another month when did you pull yours ?
She was around 75 days, may have been 78 from losing her seed casing.
Anybody heard from,about @Frogster We haven't heard from him in a while :shrug: ??
havent met him yet mate but hope hes ok. i get worried all the time when i dont hear from people on here. most of my company is uk based so theres always a chance theyve been handed more time than they would get for r*^3. in a crazy world this place is one of the only sane sights ive ever seen. i hate to think about what could happen to folk on here. the best bunch of troops in any war!!
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