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Hadn't thought of or heard that before about making the trimming easier. Might have to re-consider how I rig things up in the drying box. Good tip!!! :smoking:

Yeah its an old heady grower tip, Honestly I trim mine while still on the plant and in the pot, because the leaves are still sticking out straight it makes it way easier to cut especially if it is a real hell of a trim job. But for those that like to dry then trim just get some of that hobby foam like from Hobby Lobby or Michaels(you know the stuff you used to make planets out of for the science fair lol) and jab your main stalk in the bottom of that and it should stay upright enough for the leaves not to curl around the damn bud where you have to get the scissors between the bud and the leaf you are trimming, talk about a pain in the ass!

So yeah try it out on your next trim job and see how you like it
It made it pass 90 degrees F here yesterday and as far as I'm concerned summer is here. So here's my favorite summertime song! BTW I was 12 when this song was released in 1970. :peace:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Whoops! it would appear I've forgotten how to do this! Let's try this!

Woo hoo it worked!
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