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I hear ya, man! I opted to stay away from the hard stuff for that reason....just beers these days. :d5:

I'd drink beers, or as we say up here, "beeiz" with you!!! I was doing well with the beer and then we got back to the hotel and my buddy says, "Fuck it, we lost a bunch of money, let's do some shots!!" Yep... Greeeeeeaaaaaaat idea... My head is still thumping a little, but the last few dab hits took the major edge off.. I have to eat and maybe drink some more water.. I tried hair-of-the-dog w/ some mimosas and a couple beers earlier, but that knocked me out..
I was born in AZ as a military brat, and lived in SoCal until the mid 80's, then we moved up here.. All of my family is originally from up here, but has dispersed over the years.. I still have a bunch of family out in Cali, but I haven't been out there since.. I don't know how well I'd get along with folks out there, as my personality is very much "Bostonian" as it could get, I suppose.. A lot of folks have taken things I've said, out of context, and I've nearly been in some fights because of it lol

Eeeh, fuck it, right?? If the weather was nicer up this way, I'd have no problem living up here, but it's not.. Even with this global warming, it's still a wild ride with the weather.. It can be 80F today, and tomorrow be 20F and snowing.. And we're not even in the mountains.. Central MA gets wrecked when it comes to weather anomalies.. If Northern New England was getting 12-16" of snow, South shore, Rhode Island and Cape/Islands were getting 6-8", we'd routinely get 20-25"..
That plant is gorgeous dude!!!!!! And another one in the background?!?!
My smaller 2. I call them the twins
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