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Mang, try doing a perpetual grow,that way you always have new plants replacing what gets harvested, sometimes its hard to keep em on a schedule but it works out to be a harvest every 45 days for me
I'll try that lol I have kinda a grow like that, I got the stone dragons that are in flowers stage barely and like yesterday I put 3 auto fem outside, ruby, rainbow moonstone and Blackstone. Then once I chop a stone dragon I'm start hella seeds lol
I have not....but their use seems interesting. I have not turned my full focus to baking (breads, cakes, etc.) as of yet. I tend to work off of my obsessions, and developing recipes is my favorite thing to do (especially while stoned..) but is a very time consuming process. Baking is certainly on my list (I learned it in culinary school) to venture into in the next year.
" Frank the Baker " has a nice ring to it. :thumbsup:
heya Frank :pass:
think guerrialagrower65 or evilscotsman is a bit of a baker

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