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230 am here
Well good morning
Agreed, mice can do a lot of damage! We have a pest control contractor to prevent or remove rats and mice. I see mice in my office building, but its been years since I saw any of them at home.

The squirrels, raccoons, and skunks in my urban environment are not usually a problem unless someones pet makes a bad decision....

You didn't see our Dodge Dakota after squirrels decided to make a nest in the air breather. Nothing more fun than injector wires gnawed even with the units. Not even a stub to reattach to.Those are the wires we could see. They were vicious and must have really hated that truck:rofl:

But I have to confess that we have yet to shoot the first one. We live on the edge of some woods, it's their space. I didn't shoot my son for parking it right on the edge of the woods either.
If I had them effecting my livelihood I would without hesitation.The squirrels, not the son.
I do have an old weak springed Red Ryder that I use to discourage the crows that kill every nest they invade. They won't even fly over my house, smart birds.
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