Remo Nutrients Interview 23rd June 2017

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Hey Joel, are the synthetic portions "soft"? How do microbes fair?
We filter everything before bottling so they're as soft as you're going to get. Microbes work fine.
Yea, like other companies who sells snake oil.
Ingredients should be visible and written on bottles like ones on (human) food.
I've grown a couple pounds with Remo so I guess it's not snake oil
3 kinds of refined sugar, humic acid, and 15 amino acids for stronger growth and flavor enhancement. It's a 0-0-0 so you don't have to worry about it burning things. Gives your plants extra density and a sweet funky flavor.
plant candy, got it, thanks!
These are equally good for soil and soilless? Eager to try something different and not owned by Monsanto
i'd like to ask how @RemoNutrients goes about their research process for fine tuning the formula..
was it quiet the process to arrive where you guys are today, and BC is beautiful was out their for a bit. miss that mountain everywhere

scanning my screen ehh budelee....

and slick response joel.... looks like a proper lineup

Trial and error....lots of tweaking...and quite a bit of formulation. It's not easy..
Jordan of the Island, a local breeder from Vancouver Island BC has a Sweet Skunk called "Island Sweet Skunk" that is my absolute FAV. It looks like shit (airy) and has scraggly buds but it tastes like lavender and lemons. Not a lot of growers grow it because it has a long flowering time and the buds don't look as good as a kush. *shrug*
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