Live Stoner Chat registering

Hello Coleibe,

Glad you made it! Are you growin? Thinkin about growin? You found the place. :thumbs:

Welcome to AFN. The type of registration we use is called human verification and is an anti spam bot measure. The questions asked can't be answered by a bot, only a human. The answers to all the questions can be easily found of the forum. Sorry for any inconvenience, we're just trying to provide our members with a safe, secure environment.

Just thought I would say hi, im new here.

But I also wanted to let the mods know how annoying their registration is. I have to do research just to register because of your "random questions" how would I know who a moderator is or what your prize is without looking it up. Idk it was just frustrating as hell.

Anyways, ill post some grow pics at a later time!


"New member's guide"
There's a few good link's in my sig.
Any question's feel free to ask, If I don't know the answer's, I can tell you who will

May your cheese be stinky​