Yeah, I learned my lesson.

The Missus is writing down a daily check list for me so I can keep track of everything.... I feel like a kid sometimes, but so much has been going on I tend to forget the basic things.
Best thing to do..the Lady takes Care of you..

Who would have thought that such a diverse bunch of old hippies, kids, yuppies, right wingers, left wingers, Krugites, Aunties , Chickens, Roses etc etc coming together on a cannabis forum could spread so much love and inspiration that lives could be changed forever and so much for the better.
It is awe inspiring. And funny !
Family eP...

..AFN Family..
I was diagnosed with stage 3 small cell lung cancer. That has been reassigned to stage 1B (they have a letter and number system to tell you how screwed you are, my new name is 1B T2a, N0, M0).

Apparently the main differences are my tumors have dramatically reduced, and my lymph nodes aren't involved any more.
Ask me how pissed I was when I found out they were "involved" in the first place? I wasn't told that. I know what having the C in your lymph system means. Jeez.

The tumors that remain are loosing size, and rapidly. My lymphs are back to doing whatever lymphs do. No sign of any spreading at all.
I gotta lay down for a bit, then I'll share some of the Q&A. Lots about diet, and the baking soda seemed to be a very hot topic.


Do you know where I first picked up the BS tip..?..on an A.I.D.S. site..at the time they didn't know why..but HIV patients taking BS had a much better survival rate..and less chance to progress to full blown AIDS.
That is where the homework Started..
Took a long journey to find out WHY..
I gave them our site and how to navigate to the Meds section, so who knows.

I hope they run with it.
Peed an 8.5 tonight.
Blood pH is at 7.27.

Nite, all
Sleep Tight...:dragon6:.Fantastic Figures.
If the Doc is In..when we Talk about PH going Up and Down..we are talking about Metabolic Rate going up and down...
Careful, RR! Don't "teach" them too much or they'll be locking you up for proving a "cure" for cancer...
Burn the Witch...
Keep the good news coming Red! And don't listen to the naysayers. Let him explain in all of his infinite wisdom how it doesn't work, all the while you are getting better
I told Red..show the doubting Doc the homework..and ask to See his disproving it..

..but he says his Doc is Brilliant..
The West didn't think Eastern Medicine worker either but the shit has been working for a thousand years wether they can explain it or not.
Ah A4..explain Chinese Medicine to me...?...
and hey ho - we can cure the common cold.
But..there IS no such thing as a Common Cold..it is simply a collection of symptoms to say your PH is down...

..that is why you normally get them in Winter.
Heat and Light affect PH..so in Winter it goes down naturally..and you get the symptoms.
Lift your PH..you don't get them..Simple as.
And..you can't Cure something that doesn't exist..
Am I suffering from daft penguin syndrome again !!

..and you know..we haven't found a Cure for that...................Yet....
It's cool, Nan. They swore it's a gluten free chip.
Their method to kill C cells may be different, but to me it mirrors what we're doing here with baking soda. Low pH equals low oxygen. High pH means more O2, and O2 kills cancer.
The same...so why don't we treat Cancer with a hyperbaramic (sp?) chamber and BS to release the oxygen into the blood...?..It would be much Kinder on the patient that Chemo..and they would be High on the oxygen rush..so it would Feel Good too.
I look forward to a world where there ARE no doctors, unless they've turned in their white coats & apprenticed to become herbalists. In herbs, there is much wisdom.
We are Self-medicating Animals...like every other animal/insect/creature that inhabits our world..our Brain directs us.
We have just stopped Listening..
when they start talking about side effects in the commercials! It seems like most of the side effects are worse than the problems they want to cure.
Yeah..you wouldn't take an Aspirin if you read the Warning List..
Cheeky buggers! :smoking:
Yeah..one of our guys had a Premonition...

..and we Ran Like Hell...
Something about a guy called the Donald taking over..cough..cough..those old predictions about the end of the World never do come True though.......
Do they...?....................