I sent this link off to Aunty to get her take on it, but I think it's pretty heavy.
Their method to kill C cells may be different, but to me it mirrors what we're doing here with baking soda. Low pH equals low oxygen. High pH means more O2, and O2 kills cancer.
"Technology such as this, scientists said, may have a promising future in the identification and surgical removal of malignant tumors, as well as using near-infrared light therapies that can kill remaining cancer cells, both by mild heating of them and
generating reactive oxygen species that can also kill them."
"Systems with technology similar to this are also being tested by other researchers, but some of them require several imaging and therapeutic agents, repeated irradiation and two lasers.
This increases cost, may lessen effectiveness and increase risk of side effects, OSU researchers said in their report."
To me, it almost sounds like they're trying to figure out the best way to make a profit.
Hey, we may have the cure! But it's gonna cost you, big time.
So much for humanity.