redeye jedi

I am Batman
Sep 19, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
thin air
Hello and Welcome AFN family to my grow journal.

I'm thinking i need to get a bit more active on here so here we GO!!

What i'm growing -1 fastbuds gg, 1 seedsman kush, and 2 flash seeds champion and blueberry gum haze
They will be going in 3 gallon fabic pots with coco:coco:(first time)

Nutes was going to try Mega Crop but didn't get here in time so going with Advanced nutriants coco
GH cal-mag

Lighting will be @BigSm0 autocobs and mars hydro 300w

Tent 5x21/2x7

Ok started the seeds in paper towel no dramas once germinated placed into grodan rockwool 75mm x75mm and watered with calmag to a ppm off 300 and ph of 5.5, when roots started showing planted into their final home of coco
image (1).jpeg

Thanks for stopping in
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Happy girls, always fun to start a new grow... the anticipation!:vibe:
I know right

They be looking good so far. Have you given much thought about how you will water? I'm curious how far you have the Autocobs from those little ladies? Here is hoping for a killer grow.

Watering by hand at the moment, I am building a watering system as we speak after talking to @EvilScotsman and his girl drinking 3 litres a day.
Started the autocobs at 36in for a couple of days than 30in Now they are at 24in

Looking good red eye. I just started up again after a 5 month layoff.

Its feels good starting again but this time I'm not stopping lol
Just a bit of an update DAY 13 for the 3 bigger 1's and DAY 12 for the smaller 1
Gave the girls a folar feed today of biobizz fish mix today @ 1ml a litre.
image (1).jpeg
image (3).jpeg

Loving growing in coco at the moment 1 off my biggest problems growing in soil was getting the watering right but this stuff easy as

thanks for having a look
Just a bit of an update DAY 13 for the 3 bigger 1's and DAY 12 for the smaller 1
Gave the girls a folar feed today of biobizz fish mix today @ 1ml a litre.
View attachment 888452 View attachment 888453
Loving growing in coco at the moment 1 off my biggest problems growing in soil was getting the watering right but this stuff easy as

thanks for having a look

Good job bro I’ll be keepin an eye out