Photoperiod Redemtion, The Fight Of Overcoming A Setback!

Got the lights rehung this morning and did some leaf tucking. Seems as though I will be removing all the leaves above the canopy this week. And anything that has grown in under the net. I need to do some more reading up to confirm, that is my next move this mornig. The wake n bake has me slow motion. Man do I love a good Indica!! :pimp:
Quick lil update photos, since it is week 3 flower. Sunday I stripped the girls down. Removing everything from below the net. And just about all the leaves above the net. I also removed all the extra branches that grew through the net. Several squars had 2-3 shoots inside them. Unfortunately I decided to remove them, as the buds of the Marcella get pretty big. So it was good decision making on my part, this was detrimental in moving forward. I also removed any branches that barely made it through the net. Or that didn't make it at all.

I did not imagine it would take 2 hours and 20 minutes. To strip the plants one branch at a time. And that's exactly how long it took. At least I know what I'm up against now. Well I will see you all this weekend. Have a great day everyone!
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Friday is here payday, payday, payday. I just blew 85 dollars on a liter of Bud Factor X. They wanted 95 dollars I messaged him with an offer of 80 we agreed on 85. I didn't order my new 4x4 today. I dont know what I was thinking about. I need a new tent but I can't even move the plants until harvest smh!! I didn't include photos as im at work. And the fact I uploaded photos 3 days ago. There isn't much to show form Tuesday to today.

Today is the start of week 4 flower, let the good times begin. I will say removing all the leaves and the extra branches let me see exactly where I need to improve. I will make the nessary adjustments. This style of growing I am falling in love with. I don't think I will ever grow vertically again.
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Well I thank everyone that followed this thread! I will catch you next run as I will not be updating this thread every week. I will catch up with yall on my next run for sure. I have requested to have this thread deleted goodbye for now!
:toke:Hey Smokez, why do you need it deleted? IS it a security issue or something along those lines? Ordinarily we don't rip a multi-page thread out and junk it, not sure I have access to that part of the machine in back and those who do will want a valid reason for it... More likely it can me moved from here and archived...
Well since this grow is going to stand. Here is a quick snap of the girls. After their feeding this morning. Updates will come every 2 weeks, sorry growmies. The girls well be on week 5 of flower in 4 days. The girls have been getting 1/2 strength feedings. Starting week 6 all the feedings will be 1/4 strength girls will get Overdrive week 8 Flawless Finish in week 9 and chopped in week 10.

We'll that's the plan. I am want to take one of the Marcellas early when she is cloudy with little to no amber. Due to the fact I usually harvest at about 30% amber more. I want to see how the high is vs letting her go so long.
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Week 7 flower tomorrow for the girls, the Chunky Skunk leaves are purped out. All the Marcellas leaves have started to purp about 2 days ago. All the plants will get their first dose of Overdrive in the morning. Last feeding Calmag and silica were dropped. They will not recieve either one for the remainder of this run. On another note, I wasn't aware that that Chunky Skunk went purple. I'm happy to have a a colorful tent in the next 3 weeks. Hopefully the Chunky Skunk can make it.
The Chunky Skunks thrichomes just now. She just recieved her first gallon of Flawless Finish nutrient water. She will recieve recieve 4 gallons of the nutrient today. And than plain water. Her chop day is in 8 days, pots will dry for 3 days before chop.

The Marcellas just recieved their last feeding of base and Overdrive. When their pots dry, they will get the same treatmen, the Chunky Skunk is recieving right now. The Marcellas will fall in 14 days @ their usual time of 10 weeks. One Marcella might fall a week early with the Chunky Skunk @ Week 9.
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